What would be the best Hang On skimmer for 75g


I think Remora Pro is the best.. Since they are too expensive
I am thinking about getting
Seclone 150
Bak Pak
which one will be the best?

kevin j

Hi I have an excalibur on my 75 reef. Good skimmer for the price, I had a prizm and didnt like it so I took it back. The only thing is I got rid of the Rio pump and hooked up a maxi-jet 900 to it instead.


Active Member
I have not had any luck w/ red sea products( Prizms/berlins) either. I actually get better results from my sea clone which is what I use on my 55's.


Active Member
prizm pro all the way i have one and i love it it removes more protien and other crap than an other protien skimmer i have ever used
I have to admit I have a red sea skimmer (small 150g) and the first three months I hated it so bad... But now I reaLLY LIKE IT! I have learned to work with it and is really good after your tank is been steady for a while....