What would cause tissue to die?


Active Member
So, I have this Brain pictured here...Over the past about week or so I have noticed that in a couple of spots the tissue has started to recede and expose skeleton underneath. What would cause this to suddenly start?
Temp - 77
SG - 1.025
PH - 8.2
Cal - 450
RO water mixed by me
150w HQI lighting
Nitrite - 0
Amm - 0
Nitrate - 2
alk - a tiny bit low (sorry can't remember exact numbers)
Don't pay attention to the circled spot that is an old picture and it was eating!


Have you been feeding it?
Is it getting to much flow?
Are your Calcium and Alk in ballance?
many many things could be wrong.


Thats not a brain, it's a favia I believe.
Have you been feeding it?
Is it getting to much flow?
Are your Calcium and Alk in ballance?
many many things could be wrong.


It's a blasto merletti, and do you have a picture of the receding flesh? How long has it been under the MH's? Maybe it's a little too much light for it?


Active Member
Well, it is actually a Platygyra, but I call it a brain as I think it looks like one. The pictures below are from last night. I looked hard last night to see if I could see any parasites and there aren't any. My Alk is a little low but Cal is 420 or so, so perfect! I guess it could be too much light but I figure that if that was the case the top would go first as it is in DIRECT light RIGHT under the bulb (as in below it not closeness).
This is the right side.

This is the front of it

I accidently hit the invert button when I was playing with photoshop and I thought this looked SWEEEEEEET so I am sharing!


Wow, yeah, these pictures look nothing like the first. All the feeder tenticles were out in that one and I didn't look closely enough. Anyway, it almost looks like it may have been stung by another coral. I hope it recovers for you.


Active Member
The feeder tents still come out ALOT, just mainly only during the mid day for some reason. It is PERFECTLY healthy everywhere else other than those two spots. Well, I talked to my marine microbiology professor and she think it is simply a case of lighting damage. They are mid level light corals and my halide is just too intense for it. I don't know what to do with it though. I might just end up giving it to my friend, money down the drain!


Shade it under a ledge maybe. We have one under 2X250 14K shded under an outcropping, it's done fine for over 2 years now.


Active Member
Nothing fell on it and there is no infection that I could identify. I am going to give it to a friend who has the 24g NC with just stock lighting. Hopefully it will recover in his tank!