What would eat clams?

kat 4

Which is more likely to eat clams...mine seems to have someone munching on it..we have a couple brittle starfish and a coral banded shrimp that seem the most likely culprits to me. The mantle of my clam has little holes in it and the brittle hangs near it a lot. Any ideas?
Have you checked around the mantle for snails. These are very small, around an eighth inch and can kill a clam slowly. Also, teddy bear crabs are notorious for this and can hide quite well. Although they usually kill the clam overnight or within a few days. Of course if you have a dwarf angel or other clam eaters they'll do it too. Best way to find out is to camp in front of the tank and observe.


Let's see...
Clam -- Hermit and an Emerald
Feather duster .... An Emerald grabbed him and brought him to his hole for a midnight snack.


i thought of getting a clam but am a little nervous b/c hermits killed my cleaner clams. maybe they were already dying but to spend the money on a clam and then death by hermits....not good.