What would go with this?


New Member
If I have a tank with live sand, a small amount of live rock, a leopard shark, lion, and an eel. What would you guys recommend for other fish that will help keep the tank crystal clear and clean, that the fish that are in there right now won't bother. I don't want any conflicts in this tank (i get enough of that with my piranha tank) ;)
Any advice or suggestions is grealty appreciated, thank you in advance!


Active Member
What type of fish would not get eaten by your shark? - probably a Trigger or a Naso Tang. The Naso may eat some algae but I would recommend alot of water movement and serious filtration. Whenever your talking sharks/rays the water must be well maintained for their survival.


New Member
Hey Dirty:
The tank is 125 gallon. It is WAYYY over filtrated. 250 gallon Wet/Dry, 2 Emperor 400 dual-biowheels (hang of the back filters),and a fluval 404. I have a protein skimmer for a 200 gallon tank as well...
I want to get some fish that will help keep the water clear and the tank clean, but will not run into a conflict with my leopard shark, lion fish, or my eel. Thanks again for any help.


Zero IMO you can never have enough filtration...I only have a 55 gl and have a Fluval 304, and a Whisper double back pack on mine, plus skimmer etc..
Is your tank BIG enough for the shark???Most people have at least 300-500 minimum for sharks..
Plus you REALY need the filtration when you have animals that eat so messy...they leave alot of "EXTRAS" that could cause some major spikes in the tank..
Im not sure on the fish or what ever else you were looking for, just asking to see how big that sharks gonna get..
GL with your choice..


New Member
I bought the shark from Barrier Reef in Boca Raton, FL. I talked to the owner, and he told me that in a 125 gallon, the shark will be able to live in there for about 3 years. He said when the shark gets too big to call him and his people will come get it for free. They are setting up a new exhibit in Miami and over the next several years they will be excepting donations. So I figured I raise the little guy for a few years until he's ready for his new bigger and better home. I'd still like any input on my original question. Thanks


but for keepin the glass clean, i think you are the one who would have to do it, i mean, everything in your tank will prob. eat everything, so....just wipe the algae off the glass, might become a pain,but then again you did buy the most aggressive fish,though dont get me wrong i think those are the most bad@$$ tanks there are.