What would happen to live rock in hypo?


New Member
What will happen to my live rock if I do hypo in my tank and leave it in there.


New Member
I have a 75 gal. with a yellow and purple tang. I am doing hypo on the tank, but I only have five pieces of live rock in there right now. I use a wet/dry, but will the micro-organism's on the rock that I use for biological filtration still be there?


Staff member
Yes, the bacteria will be fine, a lot of the inverts will die off, but not all. The rock will take a hit no doubt, but it should make a come back in time and especially if add more rock later.
The long term answer to avoid future problems is seeing if you can set up a QT.


i've hypo'd my LR about 3-4 times in the past due to ick, Most of the life died but some lived and came back after the salinity was brought back up.


New Member
Cool, thanks guys that was exactly what I wanted to know, and I am going to add more live rock as soon as I am done with this hypo. I have just set up a ten gal. that I put my crabs and shrimp in during the hypo that I am going to use as a QT. Can I keep the crushed coral for the tank (10 gal.) or better to take it out.


New Member
Beth, is three weeks long enough to keep my fish in hypo after the ick is gone and how long does it take for the ick to disappear before I start the three weeks?
Thanks again.