what would i need to get metal halide lighting started?


Active Member

Originally posted by YellowTail
nope....... could i use a 175 watt for acro's,monti's and clams?

Yeah, I'd bump it up to at least a 250...if your not going to run any other lights I'd get a Reef Optix I pendant from Sunlight supply. I'm running two of them. I really like em. Their bluewave ballast is nice too.


cause the dif. in price is so little...go with 250w
but you can do acro's with 175w on a 18" tank and get great color....


Active Member

Originally posted by ViPeR_930
No, but 20,000k is very blue. You may want to go with 14,000k.

This depends on the bulb and the ballast. I run the 20K Radium on the PFO HQI ballast...its far far away from too blue. I've sat back and looked at this bulb, after the lights have been on and think its kind of yellow.
If you want to run the SE 20K go for the HQI ballast and the 250 watt Radium along with a good pendant. I'd say get the DE bulbs but I doubt very much it would cover your whole tank, The SE might.


Active Member

Originally posted by golfish
This depends on the bulb and the ballast. I run the 20K Radium on the PFO HQI ballast...its far far away from too blue. I've sat back and looked at this bulb, after the lights have been on and think its kind of yellow.
If you want to run the SE 20K go for the HQI ballast and the 250 watt Radium along with a good pendant. I'd say get the DE bulbs but I doubt very much it would cover your whole tank, The SE might.

th ballast just says"Coralvue 250 watt Metal Halide Electronic Ballast by Coralvue for Marine Reef Aquariums, 250 watt Metal Halide Electronic Ballast. Ballasts have a self-protective circuit. Aluminum case. Working frequency: 127Hz Over 50KHz. 3.7 in x 8.1 in x 2.7 in. 110VAC".does that sound good? the bulb says"Coralvue 250 Watt 15,000K HQI Metal Halide Bulb for Marine Fish and Coral Aquarium, 250 watt 15,000K HQI Metal Halide Bulb Double Ended." does this sound good?