what would i need to make a fresh into a salt


i found a good deal on a 300gal fresh it has 2 over flowsand a wetdry. what would i need to make it a saltwater aggressive.


you need to verify that the tank was never treated with copper by the previous owners, this is a very popular way to cure ich and the traces of it will keep you from ever having invertibrates.
you can still use the tank as a great fish only tank however.
in that case you will want to buy a good protein skimmer, you will probably want to buy some different bulbs for the lighting fixture, or replace the fixture all together if you have the money, you will need to get a very large ammount of aragonite based sand (commonly called southdown here but available under many brand names), and you will want a large quantity of salt water safe rock.
as for filtration, you can keep the wet/dry going, or you can look into moving towards a refugium for added nutrient export if you keep messy fish.
really it all depends on what you want to keep. if you can be a bit more specific on what kind of livestock you wanted to keep we can give you a bit more advice on equipment and other things you will need.


im going to keep a broomtail wrasse, midnight dogface puffer, queen angel and maybe sometin else.