What would make clowns stop eating??



I am tired of watching my clowns not eat. I have tested water and results are good. I tested yesterday for amonia and result was -0- that was the only test I didn't test for previously. I have done water changes. I thought the temp was too warm as I done some reading and read that if fish were breathing hard that there might not be enough oxyen in the water cuz the water was too warm. I turned down the heater and temp is 78. I have tempted them with mysis shrimp, brine shrimp, flakes and pellets. They swim up to the food like they want to eat, then turn their noses up?? What's happening with them... anyone have any ideas?? Thanks. Kim


Have you added any garlic to the food? Sometimes this will prompt them to eat. How long have you had them? How were they acclimated?


I've had the clowns since first part of December '05 and they were acclimated according to SWF recommendations. I haven't tried garlic. Nearest LFS is 25 miles away... I will call them to see if they have any...Thanks.. anyone else???


Active Member
Our oscilaris clowns eat Omega one flake. They go "ga-ga" for "emerald entree" frozen food.
Can you post all of your water parameters? Do you have any other fish in there with them? I would be grasping at straws, but maybe someone else would see something. . .


well, I'm at work now (the tank is here in my office and test kits are home) I tested water over the weekend and I don't remember the parameters exactly but know that they checked out ok... I don't have any other fish other than the 2 small clowns. They were eating fine a couple of weeks ago. I am at a loss....


Nope, nothing new... One of the clowns just ate 1 brine shrimp... I know this isn't the best food... I'm just glad he took a nibble... now if the other one would too!!! Thanks...


Active Member
check ph again make sure its around 8.2 if you have carbons on the filters i suggest removing them and dosing your tank with melafix .but befor doing so make sure your not seeing any spots on them.alot of things can stop a once good eating fish from eating such as ph drops bactrial infections ich ect. healthy fish dont just decide not to eat .try the melafix if all checks out ok plus add 1 drop garlic extreme to every 10 gal of tank water.this will help boost imune system even if the fish arent eating.stop feeding the brine .even if the fish will eat it your setting yourself up for a loss of fish.feeding them something that has little to no nutritional value isnt going to get them the nutrients they require to be healthy.good luck


Active Member
Originally Posted by kimC
Nope, nothing new... One of the clowns just ate 1 brine shrimp... I know this isn't the best food... I'm just glad he took a nibble... now if the other one would too!!! Thanks...
its the worst food