what would the perfect lfs have?


Active Member
Heres some general safety and fish care things.
*Get an automatic backup generator installed for all life support. It will pay for itself the first time the electricity goes out.
*Paint the floors in the fishroom with non-slip boat deck paint.
*Keep the fish on one closed system, all inverts, including LR, on another. The fewer systems you have the easier to care for but the less specific you can be in the care of each.(with only 2 systems you will care for anemones and corals the same. You can put 1 shrimp or crab in each fish tank if not coppered, but you will have to move them if you need to medicate.
*Either use a constant .15 copper level(not my preference) or use UV sterilizers. You must make sure you tell the customers if there's copper in the water, you dont want to restock their reef for them.
*Finish feeding at least an hour before opening, and then after closing too if you want. Hungry fish pay more attention to the customers(Ha! Betcha never thought of that one huh!) Also foraging for food is the first behavior an informed customer will look for.
*If you are in an area where the purchased fish will routinly be in the bag for more than say 4 hours, cosider getting an oxygen tank to fill them, or at least get extra tall bags.
*Keep nets in containers of disinfectant mounted ever 6 columns or so, out of childrens reach. Your supplier will have that stuff.
*As far as building your filter system goes, just check out how other stores have thiers. Its just bigger mostly.


I thought of another good idea. You could have a monthly day where customers could come and trade fish and corals. It's just a thought


Active Member
thanks again dave, you are full of great ideas on what to do, i really appreciate it, i have suppliers and distributors lined up already, if you happen to know any from my area, indiana, ohio, illinois, or kentucky let me know their contact info so i can get a hold of them thanks again im printing your stuff off yet again.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jleithiser
I thought of another good idea. You could have a monthly day where customers could come and trade fish and corals. It's just a thought
thats a great idea


Active Member
Originally Posted by jleithiser
I thought of another good idea. You could have a monthly day where customers could come and trade fish and corals. It's just a thought
Do you mean swap with eachother? Like use your store to meet and swap stuff instead of buying yours? You could have a bulletin board for the local aquarium societies, or let them hold meetings there at night in exchange for advertisement, but I wouldn't let people come into my store and sell stuff to eachother.


Active Member
i was thinking about the conflict of interest, with livestock, once a month may not be so bad, but as long as i knew that each and everyone of the people doing that were frequent customers


Active Member
XDAVE check out my post about the greenhouse, have you had any experience with someone doing this... its in the corals and trading forum


Active Member
Sorry, the place I worked for went out of business, the owner retired finally and the kids didn't want it.
One piece of advice about who you get your fish from, go there and check out the livestock. Even if you have to fly to California, you can write off 50% of that trip anyway, and it is money well spent. If they say you cant for any other reason than you don't have a vendors license yet, find another. A lot of places will ask for your license number first thing. You won't get nearly as good of service from a wholesale/retail place.


Active Member
thanks for the advice, i have a retail merchants license already, and all of my federal id numbers and so on, as well as my sales tax accounts and employee tax accounts, if i ever get any employees, or even open this thing up, i am still waiting for my partner in crime to get off his a**