WHat would you do if someone Maliciously Ruined Your Tank?


Here's my problem, This crazy azzed woman killed my reef tank. It had been up and running since February 04 and I had been working on it every since. Well She's gonna have to pay for it, Court ordered, But I can't get the Judge to understand the time and effort that I put into my tank. She does understand that this is not something that you can do over a weekend.
Below find a list of tank occupants.
What Would You Do???
One 75 gallon glass fish tank
One Tank Stand Custom Built
Four Maxijet 1200 Submermisble pumps
150 Lbs of live rock
50 Lbs Live Sand
2 Maroon Clownfish mated pair
1 Mandarin Goby
1 Coral Beauty Angel fish
1 Yellow Tang
1 Sixline Wrasse
1 Hairy Mushroom
8 Peppermint Shrimp
25 Astrea Snails
3 Mexican Turbo Snails
1 Coral Banded Shrimp
1 Arrowcrab
1 Sallylightfoot Crab
10 Red Leg Hermit Crabs
1 Rose Bubbletip Anemone
1 Frogspawn Coral
1 Yellow Goniopora
4 Green Ricordia Mushrooms
3 Red Mushrooms
4 Green Mushrooms
2 Blue Mushrooms
35+ Red Zoos
1 Colt Coral
3 Kenya Trees
1lb Caulerpa Prolifera
1lb Feather Caulerpa


She put all my fish in a 10 gallon aquarium, no type filtration nothing, removed everything else, and sold my tank setup to a LFS for $150.00.


If the court allows it...tell us how in the world she managed to do this and why?! I would take out a contract...


I am really, really sorry to hear about your troubles...what a horrible thing for someone to do!!
Unless the judge has a saltwater setup there is no way he or she will understand the time and effort. Even then you won't be able to collect on that anyway as you can't collect on time spent working on your hobby.....
Just make sure the judge knows the $$$$ amount of everything you had in that tank....make sure you get every dime you lost....
I know if it was me, I would be just sick about it....

Hope everything works out for you!!!


ICFISh, you are in Lexington....that is where I live. I am so sorrrry to hear what happen, My tank, my time, my money....your life..lol Sorry no other way to put it. My husband knows how much time is spent on a tank as he B**chs all the time about it, and there is no amount of money you can put on that. Hopefully she will have to replace every last penny. I lost my first SW tank in a seperation and the azzzzz didn't know anything about it he just didn't want me to have it. Months later I saw it sitting on the curb with the trash. people are just down right cruel sometimes. Sure hope it all works out for you!!! :scared:


Mmmmm...yeah...if it were me...consider this:
I'm assuming that you got some bargain deals and made some shortcuts here and there in the process of your tank ownership. Use very reputable and perhaps slightly pricey online or local sources to record ALL of the pricing for EVERYTHING at it's standard retail price, not the cost you might have gotten it for from a friend, trade,

, or such. I'm not saying to lie...but my MH retrokit that I got on

was fairly similar to say...a custom made MH and PC actinic canopy...sort of like how your 'three inch clam was pretty close to the five inch supercolored maxima clam that was tank bred...'...you get the drift. This is totally fair and yet it still doesn't make up for all of the time you spent. Report all of this info to the judge. Although I'm sure this is a horrible situation for you, at least you might be able to get even a nicer tank than you had before.


Active Member
Heh itchy, lost 5 salt tanks in a divorce, know your pain.
ichish, how very rude of theis women, and cruel also! Sorry for your loss, hope you recoup what you put into it, at least financially, not muchyou can do about how much heart and soul went into it though


Active Member
Yup, I would head over to the one or two priciest LFS you can find, get a quote on the livestock (having two makes it look like you've really done some work and hopefully the prices won't be different), a replacement set up with all of your lighting, filtration, etc. If you ordered anything online, you will definitely make up some money here. Be sure to add in delivery charges for the system to your home, taxes, probably for a LR shipment special ordered for you.
I wonder if you can come up with some sort of "lost time" estimate? I don't have much experience in court situations. Oh yeah, and "mental anguish." No lie :nope:


Active Member
Exactly Ophiura...I would get quotes from at least 3 LFS' on EVERYTHING...tank, canopy, lighting, livestock, filtration...EVERYTHING. Make sure exaggerate it all just a little bit...upgrade your lighting (if applicable), powerheads, heater, etc. Take the average of the 3 quotes that you get from the LFS', and request that amount in court. Make sure that you also point out that you are not seeking restitution for time (explain 10 hours/week maintenance), mental anguish, etc....make it seem like you are letting up easy, when you're really not.

darth tang

Active Member
Also factor in cost of water changes and cost of salt and initiall water set up cost.
This may be a little bad, but, if you could find a LFS that is willing to "charge for maintenance" you could get a quote from him and use this as your basis for your own money charged for time..as this is what it would cost for someone else to do the maintenance that you put in.
Oh, then I would find out what kind of car she drives and put sugar in her gas tank.......


Active Member
or you can jsut wait for halloween and then do the sugar!! or anything else... She will expect little kids instead of you!! :D
why did she do this though?!! Did you know her?>


:notsure: :notsure: :notsure:
Im still confused about how some crazy lady got into your house to do all of this???
:confused: :confused:


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darth Tang
This may be a little bad, but, if you could find a LFS that is willing to "charge for maintenance" you could get a quote from him and use this as your basis for your own money charged for time..as this is what it would cost for someone else to do the maintenance that you put in.
Oh, excellent idea on a way to quantify that :yes: Get them to give you an estimate on the amount of time they would say it would take them to set it up (plumb it), fill, put LR, etc...how much they would charge. How much they estimate monthly service would be. You might definitely be able to come up with some "value" for the time you lost, though I am sure it will be an uphill battle. But it isn't a bad one to try and climb....


Active Member
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to go blazehok!!! Im sure it crossed his mind, just like everyone else's... but now that you mentioned it this can be used as evidence to lead the coppers right to him! Oh well... im sure youll figure something else out ICfish


She was staying with me, supposedly friend. I told her she had to leave, not to go into details, because she was stressing me out. Anyway, she lied to the courts and got an EPO on me and I couldn't go to my house. While I was out she moved all my livestock into the ten gallon, sold my tank and setup to a ******** fish store, Eastland Pets, get this for 150.00
and pretty much stole everything out of my house. I went to Eastland Pets, and I be damn, if my Setup ain't right there displayed like it was something that they created. Of course, the police and the DA's office are involved now, I just hope that this B. I. gets what she deserves in the end. I know that I will never see a dime of this money, she on welfare, no job, and plus owes about 4000.00 back child support.