WHat would you do if someone Maliciously Ruined Your Tank?



Well, even if you do not 'see' the money maybe they can put some kind of criminal activity on her record to make her life a little miserable at least. I would make sure that she paid for it one way or another, even if it could not be with money. In the end, Karma always catches up with you man, she'll get hers. ESpecially since she KILLED animals. Maybe she could get in trouble for cruelty to animals? Well, I am really sorry. I am sure in the end it will all work out, even if its painfully.
keep your chin up, you still have your health right :yes:


So far as the court and the judge go. PAPERWORK PAPERWORK PAPERWORK. Even if the judge cannot possible 'understand' what it is like to run a SWT.....MAKE him by the endless ammount of paperwork you give him to prove how long it takes to set a thing up. Use the ideas on this post. Go to LFS and have them give you a written estimate of how much it would cost them to professionally do maitanence on the tank or set it up.

randy 13

Since the aquarium was stolen, can't the police or DA or whoever tell the LFS they have to give it back because it's stolen? When my husband's equipment for work was stolen, we found some of it at a local pawn shop and since we had made a police report about the stolen equipment, the pawn shop had to give it back to us.


Active Member
If you have good pictures of your tank, bring them to the aquarium maintenance folks, and get your estimate based on what it would take in euqiptment, setup, livestock, and months of maintenance to restore your tank to the level in the picture. I wouldn't exaggerate, you want to be absolutely belivable.
Have any manual labor that needs doing? My neighbor was robbed by some neighborhood kids (back when I lived in the country), and even after the property was returned he had them raking his lawn and doing his gardening for a whole year. Maybe you'd accept her working for your favorite charity for awhile. If you can't get the money back, you can hang pressing charges over her head to get out what you can.
Damn, After reading the "Kids + Fish" thread, now this thread, I am inclined to break up with my fiancee (due to be married in July 2006).
Phew you guys are scaring me.


Active Member
Wow, that is really, really terrible. I would do everything I could to make this ladie's life a living hell. I would also quote everything from the most expensive place that you can find, and capitalize on everything that you lost. That is a really sad story though, and I am so sorry to hear that that happened to you.


Man, that really sucks. I wouldn't be very happy with the LFS either. There's always the old "sugar in the gas tank" trick.


I would go to various lfs and find the most expensive fish/corals/inverts etc and get a price list for everything you had. I would also get prices for live rock, salt, R/O, kalk, calcium, test kits, skimmers, lights, and on and on. There's also your emotions.
..all of us true reefers know how precious our underwater neighbors are to us, so I would try and plug the emotional attatchment thing too. There's also cruelty to animals
...if she admited to this or it was proven in court, that's at least a misdemeanor. If I were you, I wouldn't worry about the revenge thing and get yourself into trouble too; I would let karma take it's course and hopefully she will be eaten by a distant relative of one of your poor fishies.


Everyone is talking about sugar in this BI's gas tank. She don't own a car or anything else for that matter. She is Garbage to me. I just want my things back, though I doubt I'll ever see a dime. She owes something like 4000.00 in back child support for 2 children she had that live with their dad in Harrodsburg, KY. She has 1 child that lives with her mother that she never sees and doesn't support and she just had a baby that she's collecting welfare for right now.


Active Member
Definately press theft charges. Jail might do her some good, and the baby will go to a more resposible family while she is there.


Active Member
oh man, i would kill. Sure all my stuff is used and i could use some new lights, but i have fish that are over 7 years old! and i have a lot of money invested in corals and other fish, rocks, etc, (you know the drill) i hope you can get your stuff back. I couldnt stand to lose my fish


Well, my tank had only been up for a year and 4 months, but I had invested alot of time and money into it. I'm already pressing theft charges on her, just waiting for OUR justice system to do it's job.


Active Member
The best you can hope for is a criminal charge and conviction. Sounds like she has zero assets. THe police are not doing their job if you can prove that is your set-up in that store. The store has stolen goods...against the law and they must surrender the goods to the police for return to the owner.
Even if you could win a judgement....I doubt you would get a dime for time as this is a hobby. JMO


LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL u might be waiting a while for the justice system!!!!! they're not the fastest system in the world. i look in the fish stores for ur tank and stuff. then talk to the police and tell them where its at. maybe they can get it for u.