WHat would you do if someone Maliciously Ruined Your Tank?


Active Member
Originally Posted by requiem
i colect guns for a hobbie if that happened to me she better run :)
On the other hand, it would be a little more difficult to pick up your main display and move it to the aquarium store.

nemo lover

Does this lfs still have the tank? you said they were displaying it, also yo need to talk to the owner of this lfs and see if he has it on record of who sold him this tank. Might be your evidence there. Also if they still have your tank, metion this to the judge. He might be able to get it back.
You never know you might not get your $ right away, but later is better than never.
And depending on the amount of $ misdimenor-felony. If im correct she might get jail time and or probation, and your money plus some is paid to them(probaton) and they give it to you. If she doesn't pay she will go to jail.


As a couple of other people have indicated, this was a criminal act. A tank this size might qualify for grand theft.
An EPO is an emergency protective order, in other words a restraining order.


it's quit the opposite. they are very easy to get .... if you have someone to say they heard/saw something happen. the f'ed up thing about it (at least in ny) this second person does not have to sign anything to hold them accountable for what the agree to ... they don't have to sign anything. My sister in-law has this problem with her baby daddy family???


Active Member
if she is truely a visitor, she has no right to be on the property
and he will get notice of the hearing in which he brings evidence that she does not live there
the only way to get no notice is if he is extremely dangerous and she will have to prove this in court


So where is this at in the courts so far? You say she is court ordered to pay for it...did they give her a time limit?
Our adopted daughter (who has some serious mental health issues from birth), got a restraining order to make a guy she was staying with leave his own apartment (his name only on lease). The police also charged the poor guy with domestic violence and put HIM overnight in jail. Reality is her only marks where from him blocking her to keep her from knocking crap outa him... Life isn't fair, and the courts don't listen much of the time. She even bragged about it to people who told the police, and they still didn't care. She sold lots of his stuff too. Collectables he can never replace. She has done a lot more and still never has anything done to her. It is wierd. They call them sociopaths....they seem to get away with a lot for some reason.
BTW we have a no contact rule with her. It is totally something she would do, poison my tanks.


has the lfs sold anything out of your display? or did they restock it?
i would get quotes on everything in tank, multiple sources, and then provide that to courts as well as information on the display in lfs. if you have pictures or serial numbers on any equipment for the set up that would really help your cause. good luck!


I'm not going to tell you what I woudl do to the person..but it would involve shards of glass and a bathtub full of Tabasco!!


IC FIsh, Sorry about the loss of your tank creation and creatures. I searched online for pet stores here in Lexington at one time. I know that there is a company who comes and sets up tanks and maintains it for a fee. See if you can contact them and see if they can give you a price quote on the charges involved with keeping a tank. (They provide the service to customers - maintenance, set up etc.) This would give the judge some type of time line of setting up tanks and providing maintenance.
As for your live stock you have pictures of your tank set up? You will probably need to have those handy. I personally would start itemizing EVERYTHING INVOLVED in a saltwater tank set up, and get price quotes from various places. Write it in a ledger thing and extend the actual cost. This will make things easier to present to the judge.
Its such a shame that you were nice enough to welcome her into your home and she could do something so so cruel. I belive everything happens for a reason and her day will come. It's just as bad as people using kids in a domestic violence kinda battle. In this case she used your prized pet. Luckily for you, you guys werent married!!!!!! Good Luck!


I called the police on her for breaking my stuff they did nothing. She lied to the courts talking about I was her live in boyfriend, I locked her house and I threatened to do something to her, her words not mine. But anyway, our justice system put me out of my house, my name only on the lease. She comminced to selling off my belongings. She stole alot of other things beside my tank, namely 2 cell phones, a Sony Camcorder, playstation 2, games, 2 DVD players, tools and other things she could get a buck for. It's all in the police report. Anyway, I was never her boyfriend, just trying to help out someone who had no place to go. I'll never do that again.


Well, so much for it, I doubt time because it is a hobby, plus cruelty to animals is doubtful because for all most people care you can stick a live fish into a pot of boiling water and it won't matter, people these days just don't care for God's creations... Honestly, just try to get the tank back from the store, and try to get whatever money you can and labor for retribution, hopefully some jail time too. Oh, and also, try to be as honest as you can, honesty will be rewarded in the end, and a just heart in the face of someone as cruel as this will prevail. (BTW, I think she should get hard labor for it, jail time would be too easy)
You have my support in this, I'm sure any of us would be willing to come to court with you and tell them all that not only did she take so much away from you, but also from your livestock, that's just not right.


Everyone is talking about sugar in her gas tank and things like that. I'm just trying to let our justice system handle the problem, but I honestly think about this everyday. My reef was everything to me, just ask my girl. She hated that I spent so much time and money on it all for some BS artist to take and ruin it. I really hope that she gets jail time, I know that I'll never see a dime of the money. I go back to court on the 12 of July to take the judge the estimates for replacement. Hopefully after that I can get my tank back so I can start all over.
How about this, she told the judge that she got rid of the tank because everything in it was dead. This was a 75 gallon tank with a 40 gallon refugium water quality was perfect and everything died, according to her in 2 weeks time. Do You Believe That? Not only that, had my fish in this little 10 gallon tank, no lights, filtration or nothing. Just sitting on the kitchen table, stinking.
I sure hope there's a God in heaven, so she can answer for what she did.