What would you do with an out of control child?


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Tobins niece got her 2 kids (ages almost 4 and just turned 6 ) taken away by cps because she hit them so tobins mom and dad have them during the night and i have them during the day ,. i have the boy all day and the girl after school till tobins mom comes and gets them at about 6 pm. the boy as i mentioned is almost 4 and is still in diapers!!!! he is making no attempts to cooperate with potty training and you can't understand a single word out of his mouth because he still baby talks. the girl is a complete monster she yells at her teachers and kicks them and throws things at school ,when she is here after school she wont listen she talks back and bullies her little brother and my kids.she closed my son in the dryer and was laughing about it!! she got sent home from school this morning for hitting her teacher and kicking her....aaaaggghhh what would you do ?? they arent going to let her back tomorrow either so the monster will be here all day tomorrow too.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jennythebugg
Tobins niece got her 2 kids (ages almost 4 and just turned 6 ) taken away by cps because she hit them so tobins mom and dad have them during the night and i have them during the day ,. i have the boy all day and the girl after school till tobins mom comes and gets them at about 6 pm. the boy as i mentioned is almost 4 and is still in diapers!!!! he is making no attempts to cooperate with potty training and you can't understand a single word out of his mouth because he still baby talks. the girl is a complete monster she yells at her teachers and kicks them and throws things at school ,when she is here after school she wont listen she talks back and bullies her little brother and my kids.she closed my son in the dryer and was laughing about it!! she got sent home from school this morning for hitting her teacher and kicking her....aaaaggghhh what would you do ?? they arent going to let her back tomorrow either so the monster will be here all day tomorrow too.

Wow, I am so sorry to read this. It is a definite shame when a parent can't/won't be a parent and their kids start out this way. At least they're young and there's still time to get their lives on track.
That said, I really wish I knew what to do. All I can suggest is that they need some sort of guided therapy with professionals. If the state took them away from the parents, the state should have help available or help fund professional help from a 3rd party. I wish I could help more, but that's all I can think of.

coral keeper

Active Member
If she bullies your own kinds and locks them up, ect, I would throw her out of my house..... or give the kid to someone els.... I'd never let her near my kids or near my house if she does those kind of things...


Time outs!!! I swear they work wonders on bad kids. EVERY SINGLE TIME they do something wrong they get to sit and face the corner.
Some say it is stupid and doesnt work, but it does for me.

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by regina13
Time outs!!! I swear they work wonders on bad kids. EVERY SINGLE TIME they do something wrong they get to sit and face the corner.
Some say it is stupid and doesnt work, but it does for me.
If you do that to a very bad child, you will have to chain her up to that chair to just make her sit still....


Active Member
Jenn,, sound like a lot of --mad at the world kid--. I would seek prof help. Have her tested for attachment problems, adhd, and a slew of other things that children from an abusive home can have.. call the school and ask to speak with the school psychologist. set boundary's and stick to them. Kids want and need them, give praise when deserved and discipline needed.

matt b

Active Member
I am only 15 so I cant help much, BUT the only thing I can think of is beat her at her own game. Be tougher then her. Dont quit. Just time outs and that sort of thing I would think you would break her sooner or later


Active Member
My wife is an ABA psychologist which deals with behavior analysis in children. I am not the expert but she is and this sounds like a textbook case to me. I would look into getting a ADHD diagnosys or exam to be more exact for the older girl. Sounds like she might have a case of autism as this is typical behavior. I will get my wife on here tonight to give her opinion but this is something that CANNOT be dealt with by removing the child from a home or school. It is going to take time, love and lots of effort to pull away from these type of behaviors and outbursts.
If the teachers respond to bad behavior, like throwing a fit to get a toy, by giving them the toy to quiet them....that is BAD and teaching them that if they throw a fit they get their way and the behavior will NEVER change. They have to be talked to like an adult (for the most part as they are indeed childred) and told to ask nicely for the toy, if they do, they get it. If not then the toy is taken away and put up and NOT given back under ANY circumstance until they calm down and ask nicely. The reason behavior like this is coming out can be a hundred reasons but alot of the hitting and crazy behavior is because they want some extra attention. If they can't behave they need to be seperated from the other kids and made to realize what they did is wrong. Hitting these kids won't do ANYTHING other than teach them that is a proper way to get your way....as that is exactly what the adult figure is doing.
I wish you the best of luck this is a hard hard thing to go through and you are a GREAT person to even try and be a help!


Active Member
Originally Posted by regina13
Time outs!!! I swear they work wonders on bad kids. EVERY SINGLE TIME they do something wrong they get to sit and face the corner.
Some say it is stupid and doesnt work, but it does for me.

Time out DO work wonders for this type of child. You may have to sit with them the ENTIRE time and passively hold them in the chair but eventually they are going to think, "crap no matter how hard I kick, hit or bite I am still being made to sit here, this sucks so I am going to do it just so I can leave..." I promise it does work.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jennythebugg
Tobins niece got her 2 kids (ages almost 4 and just turned 6 ) taken away by cps because she hit them so tobins mom and dad have them during the night and i have them during the day ,. i have the boy all day and the girl after school till tobins mom comes and gets them at about 6 pm. the boy as i mentioned is almost 4 and is still in diapers!!!! he is making no attempts to cooperate with potty training and you can't understand a single word out of his mouth because he still baby talks. the girl is a complete monster she yells at her teachers and kicks them and throws things at school ,when she is here after school she wont listen she talks back and bullies her little brother and my kids.she closed my son in the dryer and was laughing about it!! she got sent home from school this morning for hitting her teacher and kicking her....aaaaggghhh what would you do ?? they arent going to let her back tomorrow either so the monster will be here all day tomorrow too.

I am just taking a guess here . But mommy has a substance abuse problem? She hasn't really given the kids a good foundation of disipline and love . Now your forced into fixing this . Your going to need the help of some profesionals . Best thing I can advise is to remember these kids are starting off disatvantaged . Your expecting the 4 year old to be a normal 4 year old . When devlopmentaly your describing an 18 month old . As far as pooty training goes your going to have to start from scratch . Maybe try taking him to the bathroom everytime somebody else goes , put a short book in there and read it to him to keep him focused on sitting there with you . As far as not understanding what he says . you need to mix it between correcting him with the proper way to say the word and then ignoring him if he doesn't say it right . Explain that you can not understand him and he needs to talk like a big boy . It seams like others in your family might not have as big of a problem with this you need to get them on the same page as you. Because if your being firm in restructuring the child and grandma and grandpa arent and let the baby talk and diaper action slide then your only going to fight and fight it .
The little girl just needs a come to jesus . I'm not sure how she was explained the situation of being taken away from her mom , but thats a tool for you to use right there . Explain to her that she can not act out on her feelings like she is that she will be taken away again . Explain to her that she can express her emotions but it needs to be in a controled manner . Honestly you need to be on this one like a hawk . I'm talking up her butt and around the corner . When she acts out now how are you handeling it ? What kind of punishment is she reciving . Your going to have to break her will on this . She is acting out . You need to stay calm but firm . when she acts up be firm in the punishment hold her to it to the end . no special treatment during the punishment. If she acts out while being punished start it over and explain to her she is in control of how long/sever her punishment is . She can make it end sooner by just acting right while its happening . she can also keep it from happening by being a good girl in the future . she has to realize she is in control of being good with your guidence .
Also sounds like a lot of the problem is acting up out of boardem . Keeping the oldest busy will help . acting out at school brings up a question . Is she overly/under challanged by the work ? she could be acting out there out of frustration . she could be board by the work or not understand it . Dig into that problem . Is there a councilor at her school you can contact and get help addressing the acting out in school part ?


here, our local news channel ran a story on this guy a while back stating he was on "god's mission" to straighten out children and teach parents how to properly discipline their child. in most cases it comes back down to proper discipline. the children need to learn respect. check out this link and be sure to read through all of it. also, watch a couple episodes of "super nanny" she's pretty good!!


Active Member
sorry jenny,
my kid is supposed to still be in diapers, and only screams/cries when she's hungry, poopy, wet, tired, etc. but of course, she's only 1.5 months old...


Active Member
all of her punishments to this point have been time outs she will stand in the corner and then come out and take it out on everyone else , we are kind of stuck about the spanking thing they have obviously been abused or they would not have been taken away i am fine with spanking my own kid but this is someone elses kid not to mention under the watch of cps i am so mad i could spit nails at her she is in there writing sentances like i will not kick my teachers ,i will respect my teachers, i will not yell at my teachers and we have been sending her to the corner in between to rest her fingers im thinking i might sit in the front yard with her and make her wear a sign and try humiliation that worked on my daughter a while back for mouthing off but my kids arent uncontrollable so im not sure if that one will work or not


Active Member
Originally Posted by jennythebugg
all of her punishments to this point have been time outs she will stand in the corner and then come out and take it out on everyone else , we are kind of stuck about the spanking thing they have obviously been abused or they would not have been taken away i am fine with spanking my own kid but this is someone elses kid not to mention under the watch of cps i am so mad i could spit nails at her she is in there writing sentances like i will not kick my teachers ,i will respect my teachers, i will not yell at my teachers and we have been sending her to the corner in between to rest her fingers im thinking i might sit in the front yard with her and make her wear a sign and try humiliation that worked on my daughter a while back for mouthing off but my kids arent uncontrollable so im not sure if that one will work or not

Jenny are you explaining that shes a good girl that she is just doing bad things and SHE can control how she behaves and she can do better in the future ? reafirm to her that she is good but she is acting bad .and thats not ok .
Also I know its tough but dont let your emotion come into play . Anger will only feed the negative energy . Even if you have to walk away a minute and come back dont try to handle it angry