well if anything she will get a laugh!!!
I am going to address the teacher thing. My mother and step mother are Masters educated teachers. This situation should be by NO means be placed soley on the teacher/school system. They are already taxed by special needs, divorced parents, restraining order/non custodial parents, generic problem children, parents that just don't care, parents that expect the education system to raise AND educate their children, blah, blah. Did you know that some of your childrens classes are being held up/disrupted by some children that are being fed by the state? Anyway, this is not the problem. The problem is at home!!! With the "parent" period!! We ALL hope that our schools will provide 100% undivided attention to the "education" of our children. But unfortunately that will not happen as long as we have absent parents who expect the "system" to raise their children.
Anyway, Jenny, I applaud you for stepping up. But what I said earlier should be something to consider. See if these children have been evaluated OR can be evaluated. AND find out how long they will be without their mother. If its only for a few weeks/months, I just don't know what to tell you to invest in this. If it is for this short amount of time, I don't think I would disrupt my childrens life and my own life only to have them return to "anything goes" and then you get them back a few months later.