I have a 26 gal. tank that has been setup to be a reef tank in the near future. The movement in the tank comes from the tetra trac filter (300gph) and a power sweep power head (100 gph). The tank has 25-30 pounds of Fiji LR and a 3" DSB. The fish in the tank consist of 2 perc clowns and 1 lemonpeel angel. As far as inverts go, i have 1 cleaner shimp, 7 snails, 7 hemit crabs, and 10 sand sifting snail to clean-up. I need help in chosing the right equipement and my questions to you are these. . .
I you were in my position to setup this tank to become a reef tank what would you do?
What type of skimmer would you go with and why?
What type of light would you go with and why, also conserning the light, what type of corals will be able to be placed in the tank with that light?
Thanks for all of the help?
I you were in my position to setup this tank to become a reef tank what would you do?
What type of skimmer would you go with and why?
What type of light would you go with and why, also conserning the light, what type of corals will be able to be placed in the tank with that light?
Thanks for all of the help?