What would YOU do!?!


I have a 26 gal. tank that has been setup to be a reef tank in the near future. The movement in the tank comes from the tetra trac filter (300gph) and a power sweep power head (100 gph). The tank has 25-30 pounds of Fiji LR and a 3" DSB. The fish in the tank consist of 2 perc clowns and 1 lemonpeel angel. As far as inverts go, i have 1 cleaner shimp, 7 snails, 7 hemit crabs, and 10 sand sifting snail to clean-up. I need help in chosing the right equipement and my questions to you are these. . .
I you were in my position to setup this tank to become a reef tank what would you do?
What type of skimmer would you go with and why?
What type of light would you go with and why, also conserning the light, what type of corals will be able to be placed in the tank with that light?
Thanks for all of the help?


Active Member
For a skimmer I'd go with a remora run off a maxijet 1200. Lighting depends on what you want to keep, it could be anywhere from PC's to a single 175w MH bulb.


Active Member
I'd go with a CPR bakpak. Much cheaper for a smaller tank.
For lighting I would get a 10,000 150 watt double-ended metal halide with 65 PC actinic supplementation. That lighting can support softies, lps, sps, clams and anemones.



Originally posted by ViPeR_930
I'd go with a CPR bakpak. Much cheaper for a smaller tank.
For lighting I would get a 10,000 150 watt double-ended metal halide with 65 PC actinic supplementation. That lighting can support softies, lps, sps, clams and anemones.

cprs are junk.... i personally would go with a mrc.. something good, get a ca reactor, a small chiller and a nice 250w de... and fry me up some sps!!!


Active Member
Wow, that is the first negative review of CPR's that I have ever heard. I use it and it is great, no regrets about it, crystal clean tank, pulls out some very nice skimmate.


Active Member

Originally posted by ViPeR_930
Wow, that is the first negative review of CPR's that I have ever heard. I use it and it is great, no regrets about it, crystal clean tank, pulls out some very nice skimmate.

LOL well then here is ur second :D I had a CPR skimmer - was okay but for the cost its not worth the money. I switched to euroreef and the difference was night and day. Yes the ER was almost twice the price but its 3x the skimmer.


Active Member

Originally posted by spsaddict
cprs are junk.... i personally would go with a mrc.. something good, get a ca reactor, a small chiller and a nice 250w de... and fry me up some sps!!!

You can still get sps with 150 watt DE. A 150 watt DE bulb has about the same light output as a 250 watts mogul, and it's only on a 26 gallon.


Active Member
Like zanemoseley recommended, I'd go with an AquaC Remora with Maxijet 1200 upgrade for the skimmer and the 150W DE MH that Viper930 suggested in his post.