What would you do???


Active Member
I want to add the last 2/3 fish to my 46. Out of personal experiene, or preference would you get:
2-3 chromis
2 firefish
My first fish was a chromis, but it got stuck in a piece of rock while trying to get a piece of food. Ironically its name was homer... (for you simpsons fans). i was just wondering what you guys like. I am building my reef up, but I wanted to add one more fish. What do you think??
Currently I have:
1 eibli angel
1 mandarin
2 very small chocolate clowns
1 bangaii
I thought that addition of 2 more small fish would be ok for my tank. Any help is appreciated,


Either of those species of fish would be great. You could also add another cardinal or 2! They like to be in groups.


Active Member
I had 2 cardinals, but one died. No sign of injury, ich, or any of that. Just lost its color one day, and was swimming near the top of the tank. Next day, he was floating in the cornor of the tank. They are captive breed. I had them for about 4-5 months. I didn't know if I could get another one after 1/2 of the pair died. I don't know if that exactally made sence. Since I bought them as a pair, I didn't know if I could add another one after one died.
Or if the remaining fish would not want another mate. they were not a mated pair, but they were buddies. So I can another one?? If so then I would get another cardinal.


well thats a tricky one with the cardinal. You should be able to put another one in the tank though. Between the chromis and firefish id go with the firefish. I love mine. They are really cool fish. That should give you a nice group of fish.


i just gave away 4 green chromis 2" long each.
they are great for a reef, but they are such fast feeders, my gobys were not getting any food.
angel and clowns will fight to feed, you should be ok.
also chromis are 1/2 to 1/3 the cost of firefish.
good luck.


Well your right about the cost. My firefish dosent seem to have trouble eating with my clowns or yellow tang though. He just waits till the food comes to him.


Active Member
Costs not an issue for me. I am leaning toward the firefish. My fish are the biggest pigs. I love to watch them at feeding time, they are so funny. My mandarin eat some of the cyclopeez that I put in the tank for the baby clowns. The bigger fish don't touch that. So I am not worried about the mandarin getting any food.
Thanks for the opinions, I will post the pix of whatever I get.
Thanks all,


Im sure you will be very happy with the firefish! They are really cool fish and you will get alot of enjoyment out of them and I have also learned that they are really hardy. Not so long ago I got ick from a scooter blenny from ***** and my firefish and yellow tang were the only fish that dident end up dieing. Which is also my opinion that tangs are hardier than they are made out to be. Let me know how the firefish works out and post a pic of him lol. Im gonna try to see about getting a pic of mine to post also.


Active Member
Thanks aaron,
I will let you know. If my LFS has them this weekend then I will post pix of them on Friday. Otherwise I will have to wait till next weekend for them to come in.


Sounds good. I have to take a pic of mine. Sometimes he hides so well I cant even find him. Its pretty amazing because its not like I have a heck of alot of rockwork. I dont find him for a few gours then all of a sudden he appears lol. Anyway since we are talking fish how does this sound for my 100 gallon reef tank? Yellow tang, firefish, hippo tang, flame angel, lawnmower blenny, rusty clown goby, 2 percula clowns, and a royal gramma? I want as many fish as my tank will hold saftly. I love fish more than the coral.


Active Member
Honestly, I would only do one tang for the time being. I have seen how big a hippo can get, and they need alot of room. Depending on your levels like your nitrates, if your system is supporting all of those fish, then I would not be afaird to add the second tang. I thing it depends on personal preference, and many other variables. If it were me, I were probably have the 2 tangs and not the angel. Thats just me. Just remember that fish need room to swim. Use your jugdement and thing with your rockwork, and other inhabitants can your fish have enough room to swim and be happy. If you think so, then those fish would be fine together. I feel that stocking your tank is a personal preference, so use your best judgment when stocking your tank.


Well im glad your not being critical about it. Some people get annoying with telling people that they absolutely need to get this fish and cant get that fish. Its something that annoys me because as you said its what you like not what they like. I really like angel's and tangs sop I think im gonna try it I can put one in a diffrent tank if I need to. My levels are good so it should be ok. Ill let ya know how it works.


Active Member
Everybody does different things, and they learn from them. I wanted a puffer. I put it in my 46 bow. It grew a good 4 inches in 5 months. I learned from that to take the size of a fish into consideration before putting it into my tank. You just need to think, what is best for the fish, it is a living creature as well.
Good luck. We love pictures on this site!!!!