What would you like?


Active Member
OK, now for the tricky part of this 2 part thread.............
we have a few too many members here for us to keep track of all your tanks
so, how about a few volunteers to try and help out wiht them
email me at
WITH your suggestion, how long you have had one(or more)
and time in the hobby.
Not looking for someone who can plagerize, but active members WITH real life experience with these fishes.
thanks all.


Active Member
We will try to get to all or most of them listed, just so that everyone knows.
So, no need to post repetitively thinking it will help. This is not to see what is most popluar, but to give ideas on what to keep going with. Any new sugggestions are extrememly apprecieated.


Active Member
Scorpionfish. They're really interesting, or anglers. Same difference.
Pigeon... avartar looks familiar. Let me guess, you're Italian too? :D
I agree with scorpian fish, especially the humpback nohu, seems to be a rare fish, mine cost me an arm and a leg and a right ear and all he does is play dead


Active Member
ok, as previously mentioned, we will be getting to all thes, in time.
And I am still waiting to see who all would like to help out and do one for us. Please, if you would like to do one adn are comfortable with your knowledge on at least one particular fish, send me an email. I would love to try and work as many people into this as possible. This is your forum and your thread we are doing here.



Originally posted by Matti070
how bout a mandarin goby? i like those fish.

I totally agree, what a beautiful fish!


Active Member
tangs and angels have been overdone???
NOT IN THE FOTW sereis. I can assure this, in fact I have a running list showing each one covered, date and author.
Only one was doen so far on tangs, and 2 on angels. Minly b/c angels are easier to group into 2 categories, even tho there are many species. Tangs on the other hand, need a little more dividing up.
As I have mentioned earlier, for those who did not read the posts here. We will be getting to all of them, this is not a vote to see who wins, but to make sure we cover as many as possible.
So casting another vote or bashing a standing one, will do no good. Mandarins will be covered real soon. As to the various species, they only need one, each one does not have specific needs, whihc are specific to only one of them. In fact, it ma be mandarins, or dragonettes, since ther are a few others listed which are very similar to the mandarin, except in color.


Active Member
These fish are SO common at LFS--and really easy to kill if you don't have the right set up! Not a lot of info in one place on them.
My vote also for Anthias and reef safe wrasses--and Triggers.


Active Member
he just stated how eveyrone will get a shot... it's not a personality contest... everything already listed is in his little notes and will be done. there is no need to vote or anything like that.
Yeah a mandrain goby is a wonderful idea, u should do it.
just kidding