What would you put in a 125g


Well after ahuge tragedy with my tank as I lost everything in it after the California Wildfires. We lost power for 4 weeks up here and well everything died.
So finally I got everything cleaned cycled and looking to set up my 125g all agressive.
What would you guys stock?
P.S. Must have a Halerlquin Tusk.


I would go with the Tusk, a grouper and a nice big Niger trigger. The tusk and trig will swim all day and the grouper is real easy to feed. Get them all in the 4 to 6 inch range.
I would also get some live rock stacked so there are big holes for swim through and hiding. Maybe a low light gorgonian for some swaying action to soothe the fish....
Of course, with this mix or any big eater/messy eater combo a nice big skimmer is in order.
Good Luck!
I agree. If those do not interest you, I would highly reccomend a queen angel as well. I just got one about a week ago and it is amazing. They are such beautiful fish, and they are loaded with personality. Would go great with a tusk fish I would think.


Active Member
Harlequin tusk, zebra moray, male bluejaw trigger (or pair), grouper (miniatus/blueline/bluedot), and possibly a large, hardy tang.


Love the idea on putting gorgonians. What species? Need them to be hardy.
Also thought about puting in mushrooms. Good idea?

tony detroit

Active Member

Originally posted by Grouperhead
Harlequin tusk, zebra moray, male bluejaw trigger (or pair), grouper (miniatus/blueline/bluedot), and possibly a large, hardy tang.

Miniatus groupers are sweet, after seeing the one at cincyreefer's store I want one.
I had a Miniatus but he was so jumpy i decided to bring him back, he was hurting him self runing into rocks when ever i would walk by the tank. Way too scared, although it was probably just the fish itself, not the whole spiecies


Active Member
iam just starting my 135 aggressive as well, the cycle hasnt started yet but i got a niger trigger anyways. But wait dont woory!! it is in my 30 gallon till the 135 cycles, it is truely the coolest fish. I will get pictures later when he isnt so shy. heres what i want in my tank
MY awsome niger trigger:D
male blue throat maybe a pair
sfe eel
harlequin tusk (if i can afford one)
sailfin tang
maybe an angel
i change my mind every day , it just all depends on what the lfs has and waht i can afford, iam not going to get all of those but just some ideas
have fun with ur tank
:jumping: :jumping: :jumping:



Originally posted by Trigger16
Love the idea on putting gorgonians. What species? Need them to be hardy.
Also thought about puting in mushrooms. Good idea?

Dont know the species. They require minimal lighting, unlike other soft corals, and as long as you have a nice skimmer and adequate biological filtration(live rocks, lots of 'em) then it should work out just great. I plan on doing this with the 450gallon. Its gonna be a FOWLR containing my current 10 inch Bumblebee Grouper, my 8 inch Honeycomb Grouper and I will add a full size wrasse, most likely a Jensens wrasse or either a Lunare wrasse or a yellow Luticens wrasse and a large tang, like a Sohal or Valmingi. Those 4 fish with loads of live rock and a BIG gorgonian right in the middle to sway with the current.....


Active Member
Miniatus groupers are sweet, after seeing the one at cincyreefer's store I want one.
They had one (5") at my lfs for a while that would eat krill, etc. from your fingertips. Truely awesome....


I have a Clown, niger Trigger, Harelquin tusk, S&S Puffer, Soldierfish, and two bar Gobies in a 125. They all live very happily together.

tony detroit

Active Member
Clown Triggers are one of the coolest looking fish there are. I think to settle my needs and get all the fish I want I need about 15tanks, now I just need the time and money!



Originally posted by tony detroit
Clown Triggers are one of the coolest looking fish there are. I think to settle my needs and get all the fish I want I need about 15tanks, now I just need the time and money!

lol, thats for sure. I'm going to tear down my house here in Royal Oak and build a new one on the lot. I'm thinking about going 500+gal when I do. I don't even want to know how much that will cost. :nope: