what wrong with him.

my clown has been fine for a while now but recently he started staying put in one place and just constantly swimming there. he hasnt eaten for two days now and i am worried that he is going to die. there is no visible signs of infection or sickkness tho. any ideas?



You'll probably need to provide a little more information:
water parameters, how long you've had him, how big he is, other fish (and any new?), tank size, etc....
I know everyone will ask you for it! hahaha
water quality is fine and all of my other fish are fine. the others are a strawberry pseudochromis, yellow wrasse, him, and a very small panther grouper. none of the other fish are new and i have had the clownfish for 2 weeks now. he is probably about an inch and a half long.


I say keep an eye on him if any other fish are picking on him like the panther. Is there enofe rock for him to hide? And don't stare at him all the time u will stress him. I would turn of the light for a day and let him relax, they some times get really stressed when moved


You do relize the grouper is gonna get big, and can out grow a small tank quickly. With that being said, clowns swim in one place without moving. I've often seen mine swimming in the current of the powerheads but they also move all over the tank. If the clown was eating and all of a sudden stopped I think there is a problem somewhere. List your water param #'s and if the clown is still not eating try feeding cyclopeeze to get it to start eating again. Good luck


Active Member
His right pectoral fin looks red/white. Is it injured? Or is that just the light?


Idk about yours but my old panther grouper was mean. They will pick on everything and eat anything they can fit in their mouths. It does seem as if clowns choose a territory so I would'nt worry about his constant location.