what WW2 game is better?


I am looking to get a world war 2 video game and i was wondering what is better, Call of Duty Or Medal of Honor? I am looking for it on the PC. I hear Call of Duty was good but im not positive about that.


Active Member
It's more of a preference, but I have both. They are both good in Single Player Mode, but I like MOH much better in multiplayer mode. COD had a lot of bugs in Multiplayer mode that they may have figured out by now. I have all the MOH and I play them all the time. I finished COD and have not played it since.


I have these on Xbox and don't play multiplayer so it's just the campaign mode for me but I would go with Call of Duty. You can do so much more with COD than what you can with Metal of Honor in the game.


call of duty was good... and i liked medal of honor... i preffered call of duty for its better game play but they are about equal in my book.
allthough i have not played any of the expansions im sure they are just as fun as the originals.


one more thing, moh has a great stort line to it. The next MOH is going to be called MOH:Dogs of War. Its for all systems. It comes out some day in 2005

tru conch

Active Member
they are both good. the last MOH rising sun was terrible though. lots of bugs and glitches. i have played the original COD, it is a better historical representation (you feel like you are part of Band of Brothers and Enemy at the Gates). hth.