What you mean Prestine?

What do you mean that a coral needs prestine environment?
What coral does not need that much of a perfect tank to survive and look nice?


Active Member
Some corals are more delicate than others. Meaning that they need more stable numbers. For example a Zoo is tougher. If your peramaters are not as stable they probably wont die off...right away. Where as SPS and to some degree lps is more sensitive.
You want to keep amoniua and nitrite to 0.
nitrates really low like less than 5
phosphates really low like .05
PH stable at 8.2
salinity at 1.025
temp at 78-80 with a max of 1 degree of fluctuation
calcium in the high 400
and alk at 10
and mg up.
The more stable the numbers the happier the corals.

devil dog

Active Member
Stable... not much movement in you ca, levels…
You don’t have big swings in you water levels and PH…
something like that...


Active Member
Table 1. Parameters critical to control in reef aquaria.
Parameter: Reef Aquaria Recommendation: Typical Surface Ocean Value:1
Calcium 380-450 ppm 420 ppm
Alkalinity 2.5-4 meq/L
7-11 dKH
125-200 ppm CaCO3 equivalents 2.5 meq/L
7 dKH
125 ppm CaCO3 equivalents
Salinity 35 ppt
sg = 1.026 34-36 ppt
sg = 1.025-1.027
Temperature 76-83° F Variable2
pH 7.8-8.5 OK
8.1-8.3 is better 8.0-8.3 (can be lower or higher in lagoons)
Magnesium 1250-1350 ppm 1280 ppm
Phosphate < 0.03 ppm 0.005 ppm
Ammonia <0.1 ppm Variable (typically <0.1 ppm)
Wow sounds like alot of maitinance for a reef, haha I was about to start one and now I know that you need to know all of that haha I think ill start with FOWLR Thanks Guys


Active Member
Aww its not as hard as you think. Start with zoos and shrooms. When they do well and grow get a lps.
The 2 best things for the reef. weekly water changes. auto top off. run a macro algae like cheato. That exports bad nutrients, imports the right stuff. keeps salt levels stable and absorbs nutrients.


Well, I just went through this explanation with a friend who has a fresh water tank. I showed him my reef and he was wooed by it. Once I explained to him the routine I have he was shocked. I told him I do more testing here than I did when I was in Chemistry class back in college. however, I told him this was more fun and the end result is amazing.
Just imagine you taking care of a dog. How much work that is... take them out for a walk, feed them, babysitting, etc.
It is all relevant. In this case you just have to upkeep water.
For a reef is actually easy, but once you have fish in there, you have to be more diligent as they produce lots of waste that affect the corals in negative ways.
And with reef tanks, the bigger the better
However you have to spend a lot of money up front to get thigns going and later on it just levels off, once you get a good routine going. You cna even make your own food for really cheap.
Good luck anyways with your FOWLR tank.
Well I got a 55 gallon so I was thinking it might be easy to make a reef because alot of people have a reef for this size so I thought I would take a shot at it.


Active Member
just start off with lots of live rocks and proper equipments. after 4-5 months, water parameters should get stable anyway. i only test my water 1x per week.