Whatdaya thinks?


Here it is. got my live rock and live sand in... and the water too. Its running now. So glad to see in and see SOMETHING even if it isnt fish yet. Hubby and i really like it and are wondering what everyone thinks.
This is what we are considering getting...
1. lemonpeel Angelfish
1. Achilles Tang
3. Cleaner shrimp
2-3 percula clowns
Any other ideas for additions?



Active Member
wow that is nice !!! i like it, the stand and all, and your lr looks really great....i am happy that you finally got it up and running,,,keep us posted when you get some fishes and all.....have a great day.....


Active Member
may i ask how u got ur LR to look like that?? its B-E-A-U-T-ful
did super glue it like everyone is telling me?


Active Member
wow .. that is a really good looking tank .. and I don't know what other people have told you but I would advice against the Achilles Tang .. they're very hard to keep .. that's the fingers of experience typing .. but it's not just me .. I've read of many cases of dieing Achilles tangs after just a month of having them .. any more questions just ask


Looking good-the cloudiness should clear up after a few days.
Is that a 75 gallon?
The only tang I would suggest adding in this size tank is a Kile Tang. I believe they are the smallest, maxing out around 6-7".
Make a list of fish you like, staying in the smaller size range by going through books or checking on line and looking at your LFS.
The prioritize which you wuold most like to have in order.
Then look at compatibility with your first pick on down.
The percs are pretty hardy and are a good addition, but they become territorial as well so if you are adding any very peaceful fish like cardinals or a fairy wrass or a Rabbitfish, add them first to your tank.
Look at color variety and where that fish usually stays in the tank column so you have diversity.
Keep in mind that you will not have room for all the fish youwould like to have and many fish cannot live together peacefully so be extremely careful whenmaking your stocking list.
My 75 gallon is packed-but I do weekely 20% water changes and have not lost a fish.
There is one clown, one dwarf angel, one wrasse, one blenny, one cardinal, one rabbitfish, one yellow tang and one royal gramma.


Ginarox....... Thanks.. we are very excited as well.
Alyssia........ giggles.. thanks
-- Dude1990.......... Why thank you kind sir... i ordered it from here at sw. asked for some smaller peices as well as bigger ones..and i used the lighter ones to make the roofs so to speak.. And i used apoxy not super glue.. it was sorta hard in some spots but i found that you kneed the apoxy acording to direections .. and then i put the wad of it under water right to the area thta i wanted to afix it too.... lifted a corner slightly and pushed it down around it and using my fingers worked it into the crevices. Thanks it was just the look that we were wanting. None of that is touching any glass because we want the glass to be clean all the time so this will make it easier for us with out rock leaning against the glass.... and the holes provide us with 10 additional veiwing areas so those new fishies cant hide out too much. And we LOVE the look of the sand and didnt want to hide it too much. Thanks for the complement.
JAm1e.......... thanks for the thumbs up. Will do some more checking into the tang then. We have a 50 gal up in our room and the mix of fish we have in there are absolutly wonderful. They are all very happy together and "play" all day. ( two perc clowns, flame angel, royal gramma, and blue hippo-baby)


I forgot to mention the other inhabitants
One Brittle star, one serpent star, two cleaner shrimp, two huge peppermint shrimp
One large bubble tip anemone, a head of colonial polyps, one candy cane coral, one snake polyp coral, a large leather coral, and lots of snails of various species which keep my rock immaculate. oh and a sun coral and new Blue Tunicate as well as 100 lbs of live rock which fills my tank to the top.


I want to add two corals... later of course.. not sure what to get. want somethign colorfull and that wont take over my entire tank and easy to care for.... any ideas?


Active Member
Looks very nice in deed. I would NOT add 3 clowns. They will pair up and kill the other one. Other then that, your plan looks great. IMO May be add a couple of gobies to the list.


Active Member
looks great :jumping: it will look really nice when it clears uo in a day or two. as for the two corals...dream on....once you start with corals there is no stopping, it is like crack, they just keep callin ya. my friends call me pookie( from new jack city) LOL good luck


yea i have a feeling that i am going to just keep going with this tank. But i like safisticated simplicity so who knows... maybe just another tank!!!!!! LOL


Active Member
Originally Posted by teviesfish
yea i have a feeling that i am going to just keep going with this tank. But i like safisticated simplicity so who knows... maybe just another tank!!!!!! LOL
I read a cute story about people suffering from Multiple Tank Syndrome.
It happens to just about everyone and you're next on the list, Lady. Watch out!! :joy:
Denise M.


Active Member
Originally Posted by teviesfish
missed ya on msn. Its not been working on my comp, But hopefull back up here soon
I'm generally one during the day and later at night - like now. :hilarious
Catch me there...
Adding a mandarin to one of my tanks this week. Chad has one that needs a home - and I just happen to have an open checkbook.
