Looking good-the cloudiness should clear up after a few days.
Is that a 75 gallon?
The only tang I would suggest adding in this size tank is a Kile Tang. I believe they are the smallest, maxing out around 6-7".
Make a list of fish you like, staying in the smaller size range by going through books or checking on line and looking at your LFS.
The prioritize which you wuold most like to have in order.
Then look at compatibility with your first pick on down.
The percs are pretty hardy and are a good addition, but they become territorial as well so if you are adding any very peaceful fish like cardinals or a fairy wrass or a Rabbitfish, add them first to your tank.
Look at color variety and where that fish usually stays in the tank column so you have diversity.
Keep in mind that you will not have room for all the fish youwould like to have and many fish cannot live together peacefully so be extremely careful whenmaking your stocking list.
My 75 gallon is packed-but I do weekely 20% water changes and have not lost a fish.
There is one clown, one dwarf angel, one wrasse, one blenny, one cardinal, one rabbitfish, one yellow tang and one royal gramma.