Whats a fish's lifespan


Active Member
I was wondering what the life span of a fish in the the aquarium? Given good maintenance, no predators and he does not do a surf board ride out the tank to the floor.
I've had my 2 clowns for a year and a half and my firefish for a year. How long can I expect to keep them? What is the longest life fish in the aquarium and what is the shortest? How long do most live?


Active Member
Shortest is easiest...minutes, hours

Longest? Sometimes decades. You hear about someone with a fish for 15 years or more now and then. On average, I would say at least several years
but the potential is definitely there for more.


chromis have like a 15-20 year life expectancy but it realy depends on water quality and over all happiness of the fish.


Active Member
I feel a responsibility to have them at least reach their wild-life age.
Good question by the way.......should be researched by someone.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Laddy
I feel a responsibility to have them at least reach their wild-life age.
I don't think think that is a reality I am sorry to say. Which is why I asked relating to the aquarium.
And if you think thats sad think about the anemone in the tank. Take an animal that could live 50-100 years in the wild and give it a 12 month prognosis.


Active Member
I believe it's been actaully documented that fish can live past their wild lives in a tank......as for anemones, that's a different matter.