whats a good angel


whats a good angel to get with some color. i have a 210g so the size shouldn't be a problem. it will be in with some tangs. like sailfin, powder, or achilles. i like the emps but only really like them at mature colors but then they are $150 or so.
so any suggestions?


Active Member
If this is an established tank, what fish do you already have?
Many of the larger angels will pretty much rule a tank, but you need to be cautious adding one if you already have large established fish.
Emperors are nice and IMO, worth the money. Blueface are gorgeous, relatively hardy but shy. Same with majestics that stay a bit smaller. IME, they do best when they are the alpha fish in the tank. Place them with bullies and they can go south.
Other choices include the Koran, Queen (very aggressive), Cortez, to name a few,
If you want something a bit out of the ordinary, look at some from the chaetodontoplus genus. The Scribbled is beautiful.
Try to get something in the 3-5 inch range. A bit hardier and can hold it's own. Don't add any angel unless the tank is mature (6-8 mos) with consistantly good water and lots of live rock.


right now a powder blue tang, thats its. inards of the tank have been going for over the year. the tank itself is about 5 months old i think. still deciding all i want to put in there but love angels. just can't decide i will look into the scribbler.


also looking to be under $100 if possible. the cortez looks pretty cool juvi but do they change later on and if so what do they look like.??
love emps just don't want to spend the money on the mature one

ledzep fan

Active Member
My best advice would go with the Koran Angel. I've had one for years and still do, great personality and very nice colors.