Whats a good calcium reading?


Originally Posted by puffer32
Is 700 to high? Not sure i did the test right :notsure:

If you go by the calcium tests it says 400-500 is sufficent.......700 may start killing off fish.....

salty cheese

Active Member
Re-test the water, I doubt the ca level is that high, you most likely would have precipitation event if it were.
It will not poison the fish, it will irritate the corals though.


Active Member
I agree the fish will be fine... precipitation is the biggest worry IMO.
What is your alkalinity level??


Active Member
I don't have a test for alkaline? Guess i goofed someplace huh? Gonna go do another calcium test, might have messed up :thinking: Be right back........


Active Member
Well its more like 480, still high huh? Should i try to lower it some? How? Also, alkalinity is ph right? :notsure: Thats 8.3.


i dont know exactly what alk is but i am sure alk is not ph becuase when i used to take it to my lfs they gave me seperate readings for ph and alk....


Active Member
High calcium wont kill anything, it just won't stay suspended in the water and the corals will be unable to utilize it.