What's a good clean up crew?


For a 60 gallon (eventually to house predators).
Canister Filter 350gph, PH 270ghp, with a protein skimmer.


Just look on this this site for their cleanup crew packages. They have pre-built packages you can order and they tell you what size tank their for. As for the predators make sure they arent going to eat your cleanup crew.


Active Member
For a 60 gallon tank you are going to want about 25-30 hermit crabs (the cleaner kind: generally blue or red legged). You are also going to need snails. For this I recommend either about 25 astrea snails, or my favorite: 5 or 6 mexican turbo snails.


Is that enough?
I found this sites packages, some are money savers, others are not.
I just didn't want to spend more than half of what they are asking for.
Your list is a little more compact.
Thank you for the responce.


Yeah, I want a trigger eventually too.
So far I meant a P. puffer and a lion (both very small right now).
The tank will be for them in 2 -3 months.
I was think the cleanup crew would be helpful bofore there relocation.


if your going to have a trigger i would be careful on the snails and starfish if you get any i would say a longspine urchin is really good for a clean up crew for a semi-agressive tank


Active Member
detrivore sea cucumber would be an excellent choice as well. They are generally left alone by all tank inhabitants because their flesh is poisonous.


Active Member
Personally, I would not put a cucumber in with wrasses, triggers or other fish who take interest in things. They don't inherently stay away from them.