Whats a good fit w/Clowns?


I have been doing very well with my 2 Clowns that I've had for 2 months now. I want to start adding more fish to the tank. What will be a good fit? I have a 55gal w/45lbs. of LR. my lighting is still not a good as i'd like but funds are low. With the Clowns I have 3 cleaner shrimp, a porcilin crab, an emerald crab, some conch and some snails. Any thoughts?


I have two clowns and a bicolor blenny and the blennies are really fun to watch and they have tons of personality. It sounds like your tank would be a good size for one too.


All are good ideas, how about a dwarf angel or a wrasse.........that is if your tank has been up and running for a while (about 6 months for the angels).
I have a 45 gallon with 60lbs of LR and LS with a pair of black/white clowns, an african flameback angel, exquisite wrasse, green goby, a pair of cleaner shrimp and many snails.