whats a good inexpensive powerhead?


ok well looking for some equipment for my new 75 gallon tank... it is not going to be reef so does not need a really high flow.... but i was looking at some powerhead called a power sweep and it looks really cool... the pwer head rotates... but it says it has to be used with and undergravel filter...? is that true? any one ever had this power head before?
what are some other good powerheads?? i dont want to spend a fortune


Active Member
Originally Posted by HaLo_Frk03
ok well looking for some equipment for my new 75 gallon tank... it is not going to be reef so does not need a really high flow.... but i was looking at some powerhead called a power sweep and it looks really cool... the pwer head rotates... but it says it has to be used with and undergravel filter...? is that true? any one ever had this power head before?
what are some other good powerheads?? i dont want to spend a fortune
power sweeps always break after a very short time according to others on here. I bought some cheap power heads at Wal mart for $20 and work great. Over a year on them so far.


Active Member
Maxi Jets are great powerheads. I have two MJ 900's in my 46 gallon. They are quiet and energy efficient. I think i paid about $22 a piece.


when you have fish you have more waste in your tank and for your 75 gallon you will need about 2 good ph not because the flow , the ph will move up your detritus (not all)
and let them flow to the filter and to your skimmer to at this point you will have more clean and quality water parameter my suggest to have 2 good ph because you want a good circulation in your tank.


I'd say Maxijet 900. M1200 only pushes 65gph more than the 900, but the 1200 uses twice the amount of power.


^ Agreed about the mj 900; not to mention that if you get more mj 900 you can create more flow/wave patterns.


Originally Posted by ejensen
A inexpensive power head is a broken power head. I have some Rio's if you want them.

dr. evil

stay away from the power sweep i had one and just like hot883 said it broke i was a piece of junk. oh and about a week after i had it it stopped sweeping. dont waste your money on it. i have a rio 2100 and a penguin that i dont know what size it is someone gave it to me but it works good. but with the rio you have to clean it internally weekly to keep it working at full capacity. eventually im going to get rid of all the power heads and build a return manifold but first i gotta get a bigger pump.

my way

Active Member
How did you guys manage to break the Powersweeps? There is a small pin on them that can break but only if you beat on them when they stop. If you keep them clean they will last a long time. I have 2 that have been running for two years without any problems other than having to clean them on a regular basis. There is a paddlewheel that has a worm gear that makes it work. There is not enough pressure from the output of these powerheads to break them. So if yours broke, I hate to say it but you broke them they did not break on their own. The powersweeps do not need to be used with a UGF. they can be used as a stand alone PH. As with most PH's the only drawback is the suction cups that mount them.

dr. evil

Originally Posted by My Way
How did you guys manage to break the Powersweeps? There is a small pin on them that can break but only if you beat on them when they stop. If you keep them clean they will last a long time. I have 2 that have been running for two years without any problems other than having to clean them on a regular basis. There is a paddlewheel that has a worm gear that makes it work. There is not enough pressure from the output of these powerheads to break them. So if yours broke, I hate to say it but you broke them they did not break on their own. The powersweeps do not need to be used with a UGF. they can be used as a stand alone PH. As with most PH's the only drawback is the suction cups that mount them.
uh? O.K.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dr. Evil
uh? O.K.

Yeah i have to agree, the one we bought last 24 hours and and a piece was laying on the sand bed the next day. JMO but they are crap, and i'm a zoomed/coralife/esu user.


Active Member
I am a box saver. Attached are power heads I have still in operation.
Seio 820
Maxijet 1200
Penguin 1140
Power Sweep 228
They are ranked in order on which I like.. You were asking about the power sweep. They are high maintenance and stop sweeping constantly. I would pass on them.
I still say the Maxi-Jet is the best bang for the buck what ever size you choose. The Penguin would be my next on price (they are my oldest ones that are still running). The Seios weren't the cheapest (my favorite) but a good volume mover thus far, only had them for about 8 months or so. I can't really speak to their long term performance yet.
Never had a RIO so I can't say if they are any good or not.
IMO anyway


sorry, new here. i am not clear on need for powerhead if you have a capable filtration including sump and refugium. sorry if this sounds ignorant. is the mere purpose to increase water flow and to complement what is already flowing from tank to filter system and back. so it is stand alone?