whats a good medicine


Active Member
Without knowing anything about your tank or the fish in your tank, Parasite Stop! works well with white spots (if you are referring to ich) and it will not harm anything or have any ill effects on anything in your tank.


New Member
I swear by garlic extreme, focus and metronidazole plus a good UV sterilizer! Worked for me! Good luck


Next time give us more information. Such as your pH, Nitrates and ammonia. We need to know. I say go HYPO. Medications are all pretty much useless , but copper works. UV STERILIZERS work and kill free-swimming parasites. But it can kill germs that doesnt need to be killed. Most "Pros" Don't use it and just go hypo when they hit ick. First when you have a fish you get a qt and put the fish in there for about 3 week and when its good and healthy,eating, and swimming etc. you can put it in your main tank.


Active Member
if this is a fish only or fowlr id go with melafix.Hypo only works for ich it does nothing for bactrial or fungal infections if this is a reef tank id say Qt your fish and treat them acordingly.(melafix, pima fix ,myricin, myricine2.most of these work for fungal infections and some bactirial.melafix and pima fix are all natural can be removed from the tank with carbons.