whats a good pump thats saves energy?


Its been 3 months since i cleaned out my bio balls. I added some new ones also. I heard Nitartes in a fish only tank aint to bad for fish only tanks?

crypt keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by juniors04
30 to 50 gallons a month? I do 10-15 a week. I get my water from a local drinking water store very clean.
I never said month. I do 10 to 15 gallons a week on my 90 and have zero issues. I also have very messy fish. Up until a few days ago I had 3 triggers a puffer and an eel. I have since removed the eel and trigger and added a blueface angel that is in my QT right now. They are all small but my water params are not as high as yours and never have been. Try doing 30 gallon to 50 gallon water changes weekly. To every week and half.


Ok ill try 30 gallons a week for a month. Maybe it will help. I dont want to change out too much a week i dont want to stress my fish they are all doing so well. thanks for your help.

it's chuck

Originally Posted by crypt keeper
isnt a 20 gallon sump too small for a 300 gallon tank?
Yes in addition too the lack of space for an appropriate skimmer and filtration for a tank that size if his power ever goes out or his pump fails his sump will probably overflow


Back to the subject with pumps, the sequence line of pumps are great. Low energy consumption, quiet, and strong.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SaltFan
Doesn't matter which little giant your using, they are one of the worst for power used, as far as pumps go. Quiet Ones are the best, followed by Mags.
i disagree. little giant pumps don't use much more electricity than quiet one pumps.
as a matter of fact , a 3-MDQX-SC , which is 1100gph, uses 100 watts, and a quiet one 4000, which is 980 gph, uses 120 watts.
the mag9.5 which is 950gph, uses 93 watts. they are all in the same ball park.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mr_X
i disagree. little giant pumps don't use much more electricity than quiet one pumps.
as a matter of fact , a 3-MDQX-SC , which is 1100gph, uses 100 watts, and a quiet one 4000, which is 980 gph, uses 120 watts.
the mag9.5 which is 950gph, uses 93 watts. they are all in the same ball park.
1200- 25watts 296gph
2200-41watts 581 gph
3000-40watts 780 gph
4000-50watts 1017
4000HH-120watts 980gph
6000-140watts 1506
LITTLE GIANT2mdq-sc 96wats 465 gph
3-MDQ-SC 90watts 650
3-MDQX-SC 100watts 1000gph ver QUIET ONE 4000 1017gph @ 50watts
4-MDQ-SC 150 watts 810gph
4-MDQX-SC 145watts 1225gph ver QUIET ONE 6000 1506gph @ 140watts


Active Member
like i said, they are in the same ball park.
Model 4000 High Head
: Quiet One Aquarium Pump Performance Curve
120 volt, 120 Watts, 980gph, 13 ft
max ht
3-MDQX-SC Flow rate: 1,100 gph Max head: 14 feet
apples to apples.