Whats a good uv sterilizer?


New Member
I have a 600 gallon fish tank i just started and looking for a good uv sterilizer.Whats one of the best out there?:notsure:

tony detroit

Active Member
Aqua UV.
I'd strongly recommend against a turbo twist, I've read several posts of them catching on fire after spring leaks.


ive been running a pondmaster and it was a really good improvement except when I tried to clean the quartz sleave I could
not get it out and cracked it so I had to order a new one so on working on cleaning the tank i would say an A+ but on ease of main. C- I think the one tony said has the little scrubber on it I almost got that one or should have but i got the one the lfs had in stock.


Turbo twists dont work, is what i was told!!! tHe most reputable Type of UV is Aqua Ultraviolet... Put it this way --I had A Ich Wipeout in my 125--- then i got a uv and im doing alot better because i have some of the most prone to ich fish.
Remember You must choose the rite size uV.. You have to go according to the flow of the water pump..... You do not want to push the water to fast or too slow through...Or The UV will be Useless..And remeber the speed you push the water at is Huge depending on what you want to do---To DimInish Ich (protozoa)--go slow---- Algea Go faster--- Theres a bunch of chats to help


2 slow can be good and bad.. Good....Since you need less flow to kill Ich then it can be more affective..Bad---but toooo slow just might not do the job because the water might not get around to circulate as it should and be as affective --- Every unit has its rule of thumb---- In conclusion its better to push the water too slow than too fast

Too fast will illiminate the whole purpose