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I'm thinking of doing the yellowtail. I like how the spotted look would contrast the other fish. I read the Yellowtails like to bury themselvews in the sand, do you think it'd be a problem if I ever add an Eel down the road somethign? If so, sounds like the Husk might be the best way to go.
Harlequin tusks are fantastic fish; I always suggest the more expensive Australian variety. IMO, they're prettier and hardier; but the IO type are great fish too. HTs are big, active, robust fish and IMO, 125 would be the minimum size tank. SWF has an aussie pictured on their site (I'm 99.9% sure); but the fish they sell is from the IO. There are SO many great, over-looked wrasse that I could go on forever. So much depends on what qualities you want; but you can find a wrasse to fit just about anywhere. A scotts fairy wrasse is another peaceful favorite of mine. I have five different wrasse right now and its hard to believe they're all wrasse. ( McK. Flasher, pinkface, Scotts, cuban hogfish--great fish,and 2 tusks.BTW, yellowtail wrasse are beautiful fish; but can be very difficult to keep.