What's a proper water change schedule?

a&m '96

New Member
I was wondering what kind of water change schedule you follow. Currently, I have a 65 gallon aggressive tank (puffer, trigger, grouper w/35 lbs live rock), and I'm changing 5 (7%) gallons a week. This seems like overkill on the changes, so I wondered what you thought. All parameters are fine, considering the inhabitants (ammonia-0, nitrites-0, nitrates- 20-25, pH- 8.2). Anyway, we're thinking of getting a 42 gallon community tank (non-reef w/ live rock), and I was wondering if I should stick to this schedule. When I get the new tank, I'd like to go to monthly changes (25%) for both tanks, if possible. I will not do this if it endangers my fishes health, but I'm wondering if weekly changes are really necessary. In case you were wondering, we aren't considering any super-delicate fish for the new tank. Probably a flame hawk, a flame angel, and maybe a gramma or dottyback. Thanks in advance!!!
With those messy eating fish constant water changes can't hurt and my be recommened. I had a Mappa Puffer and he raised my nitrates up to 140 ppm. I see your are at 25ppm, keep a eye on the nitrates. You probably know that it's not as toxic as ammonia and nitrites but more and more people are recommending that they be lowered to 10ppm or below.
I change 20-30% per month. I do the water changes bimonthly (10-15%) It seems to work well for me. Try not to use tap water when doing your water changes.


I change 10% or five gallons out of tank every month and this seems to be keeping my ammonia nitrites and nitrates around 0 ppm. make sure that you religiously do your water chages.


You have pretty hardy fish-i'm sure you can get away with monthly's on your current tank assuming it's pretty well established--if you decide to let it go make sure you monitor it through out the first month or two to make sure it's keeping up. Then you'll know for sure. I personally wind up doing about 40% give or take--however much it takes to clean my cc-I have one of those siphon vacuums i use, so it keeps emptying until i'm done cleaning the bottom--sometimes that takes a while with those big fish of mine.
Good Luck
On a new tank though, regardless of what's in it I would stay with the more often water change schedule.


just because it's bottled water or bought from LFS does not mean it's safe to use...water changes are always good to make on tanks under 100 size...some people do only top off w/ the larger tanks if they have enough LR & DSB depending on bioload as well


Freshwater for 30 years, Saltwater for 18 months. I've always done 10 to 20 percent about every 2wks. Not to much new change not to much old build up. Works good for me. Good Luck. ;)