Whats easier


New Member
Hey Guys-
Quick question....I am deciding on starting a nano tank and would like to know which type is the easiet to start? Can someone explain the types available for me to choose and which is easiest to maintain. Thanks


IMO nanos are a little bit more harder to keep than a bigger tank. Reason is any water parameters get a little off you stand a bigger chance of losing stock because of the smallness of the tank.


Active Member

Originally posted by RockinAR
If it all goes to hell, you only lose two fish. No big deal.

Your statement here really pi$$es me off. I think it's a big deal when you loose any fish. It dosent matter if it's a $5 fish or a $500 fish. A life is a life.
Fact is smaller tanks ARE harder to take care of because there is not much water there. Just because you only have a few fish and a few lbs of lr dosen't mean things can't go wrong.


not to steal this thread but slick you in a bad mood or something? calm down dude we all know a life is a life, hes just trying to make a comparison not save the world. this is not intended to flame you because i have talk to you on threads b4 and your attitude wasnt this harsh, i like your opinions and you make alot of sense i just think you kinda jumped on him. jmo


Active Member
I am sorry yes I was in a bad mood. I just hate the way that RockinAR made it sound. To me it dosen't matter if the loss is minimal or huge. Any loss of life in any hobby is nothing to take lightly. Thats all. Again I'm sorry.