whats eating my mushrooms?


Active Member
ive had green striped mushrooms in my tank for over a month now, and something has started to eat them. i have fuzzy grass mushrooms in the tank also and nothing has touched them yet.
heres whats in the tank with them:
carribean pistol shrimp
purple lobster
sally light foot
nassarius snails
emerald crabs
scarlet hermits
zebra hermits
queen conch
persian conch
2 chromis
purple pseudochromis
various corals, but none that are close enough to sting the shrooms
any idea on what could be eating them?


Active Member
ive had a hermit that was eating my mushroom once it wasnt a red or blue but a little larger and brownish , if that helps

bang guy

Sounds like the work of some type of Bristleworm. Don't get me wrong, 99.99% are beneficial. But, well, someone has to get the 0.01% of the bad ones.
Move the mushrooms somewhere else. If they're still being chewed on then the predator might be housed in whatever the mushrooms are on.
Hermits are definately not out of the question.


Active Member
im going to try moving them now.
the guy at my lfs said that a lot of times once emerald crabs run out of algae to eat, they move on to corals. is this true?
i also have a decorator crab in there that i forgot to mention, could he be a candidate?
thx a lot


Active Member
thanks for the help.
i moved the nushrooms, and ill see how they do on the other side of the tank.
I would bet the Pistol Shrimp, mine used to "steal" my mushrooms to decorate his burrow. I only have mushrooms high in my tank now where he doesnt mess with them.


Active Member
well this morning i seen my emerald crab on the shroom rock, but it doesnt look like he was picking at them.
there also on the opposite side of the tank from the pistol shrimp.