Mixed day. Almost got into it with a LFS owner. I've been trying for the life of me to find a home for my Lei trigger. Trying selling him locally, broke down to calling the LFS's. The owner said he only takes certain fish, but those that he does, 50% of what he can sell them for. Well he can't remember a Lei/Boomerang/Scythe trigger before, so he gets a book and looks it up. "Oh" he says, and asks how much I paid. It shouldn't be a problem to sell him for triple digits. Well, I drive out there and since a 6" Trigger really doesn't enjoy a ride in a bucket, changes his marks from yellow to a duller gray. Well the owners after we bring him in, insists it's a different trigger, and how much of a hard sale he would be. I insist it is a Lei, and finally agree for him to house the trigger in his tanks and wait a day or two for him to color back up. Just seemed like a dirty slimeball carsalesmen approach. If I was buying the trigger, I wouldn't be surprised if he tossed out the "a couple just left a despoit on the car, but if you wanted it now, I'm sell it to you right down" line.
Anyways, that rant over, I've picked up some new guys from a different store, very nice, only catch is its 60 miles one way.