Okay I have two clowns (false perculas) in my 40g. They are the only fish. My tank has been up before December. They live only with inverts. My inverts are one queen conch, one mexican turbo, 20 scarlet hermits, 10 turbo snails, 5 or more ceriths, 2-3 emerald crabs, duster cluster, and 15 nassarius snails. My tank has 75 lb. of lr and 90 lb. of ls. Okay now onto my question. My one clown is bigger and a brighter color than the other. The bigger one swims around the tank and the other stays near the front right corner of my tank. They are friendly with each. The bigger one always makes rounds around the tank then comes back and seems to inspect the smaller one. And now the smaller one is in "cave: formation formed by three rocks. Is this fish going to lay eggs? Is it sick? What? By the way I feed them frozen herbivore food twice a day and frozen mysis shrimp once a day. Is that what they should eat? Thanks for the help.