What's going right?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Flower
Where I used to live, my 75g was a room divider. No kidding on the rock work. Also corals need to be placed on both sides so the lights have to be adjusted, most (PC) has blue actinic lighting in front and white lights towards the back. I had to set everything center.
Your tank is beautiful, and so clear it looks like it has no water at all. I love it. Congrats!

Thanks for the compliments, and I had to rewire my fixture so that I could turn the actinics on before the 10k's the switches originally control one side now they turn one bulb on on each side.


My tank just hit the 3 month mark and while it's been a school of learning for me, I can honestly say the lesson have been well learned. I am in the process of remodeling my tank as it inspires me to reach deep within myself and express my creativity. The GOOD THINGS that are going on with my tank are

1) New Finnex Skimmer came in on 03/19/09 and only took 3 days to acclimate to mt tank and is now producing yellowish skim.
2) Added 1 SHOW SIZE piece of Vanuatu live rock which weights lbs.
3) Added nice soothing blue background to the back of my tank.
These changes may seem small to others but for a newbee like me, they are big.
