Whats in your 55 gal tank?


could you all give me some info or ideas on what all you have in a 55 gal tank it would be nice to see what people can do with a 55 cause from what people seem to tell me it doesnt seem like alot.

nm reef

Active Member
Take a look at my website it features numerous specimans that have been in my 3 yr old 55 display. All of my current livestock will soon be transfered over to a new 100 gal display but its safe to say there has been a lot of livestock flourishing in my lil 55 for a while now.


Active Member
Very nice NM.. nice web site too. Love the colored shrooms.
I have a 55, I like it. When my kids leave the house (get married, move out, whatever), I'll step up to a 125 I think. A few more years to go.


yes real nice how much lr do you hav e and what kinda lights could you tell me what of those fish you have in there now?


Active Member
this is whats in mine.. you cant see from the pic,, but in it is my LMB, 2 patches of gsp, 2 green shrooms, 3 blue shrooms, red sea xenia, pom pom xenia, fungi plate, some zooes, assorited snails.


I have a 55, fowlr. I have about 70-80 lbs. of live rock. For critters, I have loads of snails, porcelain crabs, A couple of mantis shrimps(can't catch 'em), cleaner shrimp, coral banded shrimp, five pepermint shrimps, common urchin, large hermit, numerous small hermits, Foxface Rabbitfish, Powder Blue Tang, Coral Beauty, Ocellaris Clown, Convict Damsel, Yellow Damsel, Blue/Purple Damsel, Condylactus Anemone, Common Rock Anemones(from Fla. Gulf and Keys rock), Serpent and Brittle Stars. Pretty full bio-load, but I'm done until I get a bigger system.


in my 55
3 green chromis
2 scissortail gobys
1 clownfish
1 cleaner shrimp
1 fighting conch
Green Star Polyps
and an assortment of powerheads:D


Active Member
im my 55 we have
about 90 lbs lr
maroon clown
purple firefish
2 clown gobies
2 chromis
watchman goby
lyretail anthias (male)
and several corals
2 peppermint shrimp
1 skunk cleaner shrimp
purple reef lobster
decorator crab
brittle star


New Member
Appro. 90lb LR
4 red leg hermits
2 scarlet hermits
2 fighting conch
1 tiger turbo
1 mexican turbo
4 - 5 other snails
2 feather dusters
2 percula clowns
1 leopard wrasse
1 rogue scorpionfish (better known as a waspfish)
I plan on adding a flame angel and a green manderin in the future, and once I upgrade my lighting I'll add some corals. Hope this helps.

dark angel

Not much left in our 55 gal, due to ich, but here's what we currently have ...
1 yellow tail blue damsel
2 perc clowns
1 bulb anemone
20 blue leg hermits
2 camel shrimp
2 turbo snails
with 60 lbs of LS and about 25 lbs of LR (working on more)
We did also have a starfish, a cleaner shrimp and a flame angel, thats what we lost when we used greenex, Learned from that mistake.


Active Member
i'm in the process of upgrading to metal halides but currently in my 55 i've got:
a pair of GSM's, a 6 line wrasse, 1 yelllow tail damsel, and 1 yellow watchman goby.
your question was about bioload right? those are my mess-makers :D
i've also got about 85lbs of live rock, various snails/crabs/starfish
then i've got some frogspawn, alveopora, one colony of zoo's, one colony of regular ol' brown polyps, some hairy shrooms, random mushrooms throughout the tank, and a big ol' toadstool leather. my condy got evicted because it doesn't play well with others.