What's in your refugium


Active Member
I just finished setting one up and am starting to think about what to keep in it. Interested to hear people's favorite macro-algaes...bugs...and other additions? Inverts? Non-reef safe fish?
Just got a wee lil bit of grape calurpa now...hopefully soon to be a whole lotta grape calurpa :)


Active Member
What are the benefits of pods aside from being a free/perpetual source of live food for the fish? And if you're not keeping mandarins how much do you need them? And if you're using them just as live food how do they get from the refugium into the main tank? Thanks!

reef fool

Active Member
On the topic of Colerpa, I added feather colerpa to my refugium a month ago and it is growing like wildfire. It is taking over and kicking out the grape colerpa. Seems that it doesn't die off like the grape either. i would highly recommend it over grape. BTW, my trates have been at .5ppm consitently for 5 weeks now with it, so it is doing its job. also, PO4 is 0.
I have a 5" DSB with zillions of worms, pods, teeny snails and other assorted things (like hitch hiking mantis shrimp). Also have alot of live rock and large amounts of several different varieties of caulerpa.