Whats in your tank??????????


I want to talk about salt water Aquariums
I have a 90 gallon Im 15 years old Im the care taker
And the fish i have in it our
yellow tang 1
purple tang 1
powder blue tang 1
Ocellaris clownfish 2
green chromis 2
Engineer goby 1 (This thing is Awsome it looks like a eel when they mature)
Flame angel 1
oh yeah i have some shrimp and some reef
I started this Cause im interested to see what people have in there aquarium and what size they have. So if u want to talk fish and reef Instant message At spitfire1124
:yes: :yes: :yes:


Active Member
Three tangs in a 90? I'm not so sure about that one. :notsure:
I have a 29g that's been set up for about nine weeks. I currently have a pair of ocellaris clowns and a pair of cleaner shrimp. Over the next few months, I will be adding a Firefish, Black Clown Goby, and a Chocolate Chip star. :)


WHy Is 3 tangs in a 90 Hard to beilieve its been like for beyond 1 year now and there doing fine they dont fight hardly


i wouldnt put the purple tang in there agressive little B@$t@rd$
the powder blue tang would probably need more room to swim
im not opposed to 3 tangs but look in to some that dont need that much room to swim
also with the green chromis get at least 5 or they'll kill each other in a week or two
just stock carefully start with chromis then the engineer goby followed by the pair of clowns in at least 2 week intervals. Let that establish for a month or 2 then add the tangs and angelon at a time in at least 2 week intervals starting with the least agressive and finnishing with the most agressive. good luck and remember patience is a virtue:happyfish


Guys, the tanks been up for a year and he already has the fish. Don't know much about tangs since my tank's way to small for one, but thought I'd point this out before someone flames the poor guy.


ohh didnt realize that then in trhat case just throw in 3 or 4 more chromis in there so they can school they will be more happy that way
sorry for the confusion:happyfish


:) Here's mine:
500 gallon FOWLR:
Adult Emperor Angel
Adult Queen Angel
Adult Blue Line Angel
In Transition - Blue Ring Angel
Adult Majestic Angel
Juvenile French Angel
Juvenile Blue Face Angel
Juvenile Blue Angel
Flame Angel
Sohal Tang
Powder Blue Tang
Golden Butterfly
Pearlscale Butterfly
Blue Throat Trigger (Male and Female)
Gold Stripe Maroon Clown
And no, none of my angels fight and most of them have been together for more than a year now. The Emperor Angel has grown from 2.5" (juvenile) to 6" in two years.


DUDE U HAVE A EMPORER ANGELFISH IM JELIOUS THATS AWSOME sounds like your good hobbyist keep it up man VERY VERY VERY nice setup


in my 75 ive got
a maroon clown
a copperbanded butterfly
a yellow watchman goby
a green mandrin
a purple urchin
a sally lightfoot
a cleaner shrimp
a handful of snails and a handful of hermits
and as soon as i get my fuse and my lights going im adding one more fish.... the powder blue tang. then its on to corals.:yes:


I have a 85 gallon which contains;
1 Longnose Hawkfish
3 Green Chromis
2 Percula Clowns
1 yellow tail damsel
1 Lemonpeel angel
1 Fourline Wrasse
and finally my baby,
a snowflake eel.


peredogo i am so jealous of the tank and what you have. that sounds like a fantastic but expensive tank. i just have a 90 anda 75. i have a queen angel, blue damsel, maroon clown, and a yellow tail blue damsel in the 75. in my 90 i only have a blue damsel AND a banded cat shark. before anyone yells at me the shark is still in its egg and the person who gave it to me gave it to me because they decided to move last minute along with the 90 gallon setup