What's in your tanks?


New Member
i also have a 20 gallon with an undulated trigger, meanest son of a gun i ever owned, highly recommend keeping these bad boys by themselves, bought him without researching, cause he was only $10, and after about $100 worth of fish being eaten i had to think of a reason why i shouldnt just flush him down the toilet. They are only the most aggressive triggers in family, he is one of the coolest looking triggers but watch out, i have been nipped numerous times, he even jumped out of water to bite me!
He was the only one left in my 100 gal, till i bought a 20 gallon that doubles as my quarantine tank. I know he will out grow it but till then that is home.


Active Member
My tank is 90 gallons, reef ready with a Tide Pool 2 run by a mag 9 pump.
It is mainly fish with a brain coral and some orange mushrooms and star pollips.
Tank contains a lot of live rock of unknown weight,
1 Majestic angelfish
1 flame angel
1 lemonpeel angel
1 bicolor blenny
1 ruby headed fairy wrasse (also know as blue sided wrasse)
1 sixline wrasse
2 scarlet skunk cleaner shrimp
a bunch of blue leg hermits and various types of snails
Believe it or not, these fish all get along after some squabbles on the first day or so between the six line and the fairy wrasse and the lemonpeel and the flame angel. Lesley