what's is my emperor doing?

i love fish

My juvinile emperor angel (Misty) which I've had 4 a yr now just all of a sudden has been spending alot of time with the skunk cleaner shrimps i have and she's letting them rip her tail and 2nd anal fin to pieces.
I know it's them not another fish coz i actually witnessed them doing it. Then she swims away, sits in the water flow of the filter for a while, then goes back 2 the shrimps to be shredding to pieces by them again.
Theres hardly anything left of her tail and anal fin, so I took her out of the DT and put her in2 a QT 4 observation. so far she seems fine, but I'm alittle worried about this unusual behaviour.
Does any1 know what is wrong with her?

i love fish

Originally Posted by -Tara33-
can you get a picture, and is there any marks on it? does it scratch or twitch at all?
there r no marks on it, it's not scratching, but it is twitching, but the twitching isn't something new, it's been twitching since i bought her a year ago.
I don't think I'll be able to get pics, but really there's nothing 2 take pictures of, her skin is fine, just the ripped up tail and anal fin which r healing up now.
what do u think would make her just up out of the blue go to the shrimps so much and let her do this to her?


twitching isnt something fish do if they are ok it usually means they are stressed in some way, the reason i said to get a pic is that the fish may have rotting fins and the fish knows it and goes to the shrimp, but skunks dont usually rip fishes fins of they eat parisites and dead skin, so it may be rot