i love fish
My juvinile emperor angel (Misty) which I've had 4 a yr now just all of a sudden has been spending alot of time with the skunk cleaner shrimps i have and she's letting them rip her tail and 2nd anal fin to pieces.
I know it's them not another fish coz i actually witnessed them doing it. Then she swims away, sits in the water flow of the filter for a while, then goes back 2 the shrimps to be shredding to pieces by them again.
Theres hardly anything left of her tail and anal fin, so I took her out of the DT and put her in2 a QT 4 observation. so far she seems fine, but I'm alittle worried about this unusual behaviour.
Does any1 know what is wrong with her?
I know it's them not another fish coz i actually witnessed them doing it. Then she swims away, sits in the water flow of the filter for a while, then goes back 2 the shrimps to be shredding to pieces by them again.
Theres hardly anything left of her tail and anal fin, so I took her out of the DT and put her in2 a QT 4 observation. so far she seems fine, but I'm alittle worried about this unusual behaviour.
Does any1 know what is wrong with her?