ok, so i have a 55 gallon, with about 85 lbs of lr, and 80 lbs or ls, this is what i had yesterday:
hippo tang, mandarin dragonette (full sized), percula clown, 6 line, bi-color angel.
and today:
hippo tang dead this morning, mandarin just died 10 minutes ago, clownfish, dead this morning, angel is breathing heavily. all inverts seem ok, except for my coco worm, seems to be not as opened, and my one feather duster is hiding, and the other has this white stuff on its crown.
two days ago i got rid of my canister filter, which was just giving me problems, i removed it (it only put out like 250 gph), so i replaced it with a powerhead which put out 850 gph, and ever since i added that the fish have been hiding and dying, none of my shrimp, hermits, snails, or my lobster have died yet. and the water seems a bit clouded, but earlier today i did a 15 gallon water change, and yet the mandarin still died, anybody have any clue whats happened, why are all these fish dying, yet the inverts are fine
hippo tang, mandarin dragonette (full sized), percula clown, 6 line, bi-color angel.
and today:
hippo tang dead this morning, mandarin just died 10 minutes ago, clownfish, dead this morning, angel is breathing heavily. all inverts seem ok, except for my coco worm, seems to be not as opened, and my one feather duster is hiding, and the other has this white stuff on its crown.
two days ago i got rid of my canister filter, which was just giving me problems, i removed it (it only put out like 250 gph), so i replaced it with a powerhead which put out 850 gph, and ever since i added that the fish have been hiding and dying, none of my shrimp, hermits, snails, or my lobster have died yet. and the water seems a bit clouded, but earlier today i did a 15 gallon water change, and yet the mandarin still died, anybody have any clue whats happened, why are all these fish dying, yet the inverts are fine