Whats killing my snails?


Active Member
i have notice last week ive had alot of snails dieing. MY parameters are perfect. I had a Large snail in there yesterday and it was all over my rocks and glass and today it was rotting on bottom of tank.
SO please help me find out whats killing the snails
My tank is a 24G nano cube


Originally Posted by NaNo-NeWb1983
i have notice last week ive had alot of snails dieing. MY parameters are perfect. I had a Large snail in there yesterday and it was all over my rocks and glass and today it was rotting on bottom of tank.
SO please help me find out whats killing the snails
My tank is a 24G nano cube
How old is your tank??


I have no idea. One of my snails just recently died because it fell and landed on its back and couldn't roll over.

bang guy

"Perfect Paramaters" means different things to different people, can you list your water parameters? Please list everything you test for.
What is your water source (RO/DI, tap, store, etc.)
Where did your rock come from?
Are there enough Diatoms to feed your snails?


Well-Known Member
What kind of snails are they? Certain snails, such as mexican turbo's and margarita snails are cold water species and don't do well in hot tanks.


Well-Known Member
I agree with Bang Guy, we definately need more information. To me, perfect water parameters are Nitrate 0, Nitrite and ammonia, 0. Alk 10, CA 480, mg1300, phos 0...
I haven't done a water change on my 240 gallon reef tank in six months. woo!


Active Member
Few things "kill" snails and leave them rotting on the bottom. And though tempting to believe our inhabitants are all healthy and being killed by something else, this is typically not the case. How long have you had these snails? If only within a few weeks, how did you acclimate? What are your recent water changes?
i had a similar problem a few months ago and it was the nitrite, all the fish were fine but the snails were shriveling and falling on their backs!