What's new at Blue Sierra

Anyone from the seattle area been to Blue Sierra latelly? I am going to take the trip this weekend and want to know what I will see.


Just came from there today. Got some awesome wrass's... Including leopard wrass. Only about 1 1/2 long. Some candy corals as well that are really cool looking. Lots of inverts... and some "donations" from my tank... Metalic stripped 'shrooms, a yellow polyp rock that is totally covered with polyps.... when they open fully it looks like a golden "feild" of grass... totally can't see the rock. Have another patch in my tank just as big. And a small peice of encrustin xenia. Kinda blue under the lights and only grows about 3/4 inch tall. Spreads quick but doesn't "stalk" like the others.... also doubled in my tank so I sold that frag.
They also have some HUGE carpet anenomies.
Happy shopping and be sure and leave at least one candy coral... I'll be going back next wed.


Used to go there all the time before moving back to SoCal. They have everything you could ever ask for. I especially liked their sps coral tanks. Nice people too. I sure miss it.
Check out The Shark Reef in Bremerton too. Well worth the drive.