Whats normal time for clowns to hoist


New Member
I just went to the lfs and got my first anemone, a green bubbletip, i went to put it in the tank and after the anemone found a hole in one of my live rocks my maroon clown was in it within 20 mins, what are the odds of that happening, doesen't it take more time usaually. and now the clown wont go anywhere else other then in the bubble tip, plus its starting to feed the bubble tip.


Active Member
Clowns will host anywhere from the minute they meet an anemone to never. It is all hit and miss. Sounds like you got lucky.


Active Member
My clowns have been hosting my devils hand leather since the first time it opened up and stretched. Now, that's where they hang out...always, by their devils hand. Doncha love it?
Lisa :happyfish


New Member
I was so surpised this was one of the main reasons that i wanted to start a saltwater tank.
now just to figure out what fish to get next


Active Member
What size tank you have will definitely determine what kinds of fish and how many will go in. It's great fun figuring it all out though, hey?
So, what size tank are we talking here?
Lisa :happyfish


New Member
small just a 20 gal with about 15 pounds of lr i found some cool lr with clams that used to be living on the rock


New Member
is it the light that sent my clown into hidding? it would swim at the top in one of the corners until the anemone showed up and now it would move an inch away from the anemone. can the light harm the clown because it has to be on longer?


Active Member
Ive been waiting for my clowns to host my hairy mushrooms. But i dont think they ever will. Ive seen a pic of a clown all wrapped up in one it was pretty cool.


my clarkii watched me put my anemone in my tank .. then he just stared at it and jumped on it.All clowns are different and might host and might not.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jlynch799
is it the light that sent my clown into hidding? it would swim at the top in one of the corners until the anemone showed up and now it would move an inch away from the anemone. can the light harm the clown because it has to be on longer?
What kind of lights do you have? Usually it is a good idea to acclimate fish to new lights. It may have scared him but he most likely just found a new home.


New Member
24" 130 65 watt Actinic & a 21" 65 watt 10000°K bulb i was told that a 130 watts should be just right, altleast that was what i was told


New Member
i was a little worried about the light but the people on this sight sure seam to help in anyway that they can and thats just great