whats on my koran?


Active Member
my koran angel...is looking a wee bit different ...his scales look kinda like he got rub'd against...my levels are fine, and all my other fish look good...
anyone know what this could be?


Active Member
Here are some pictures..notice on the top of the fish, how its kinda pink...almost like he got a sun burn...its not ich...or anything like that....my levels in my tank are perfect, i check them every day..and i checked them an hour ago...
temp is 78 degrees and my salinity is .23


who dey

Active Member
well my battery is dying on my laptop and don't have charger w/me. it's tough to see the pics with dimming screen i'll check in teh morning. i would launch a thread directed to beth! she will be able to diagnose the problem in a snap!! sorry couldn'[t be of help